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Cyber Resilience Building in a High Alert Environment
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Cyber Resilience Building in a High Alert Environment

After the NotPetya/WannaCry attacks of 2017 as well as the Stuxnet virus, which was first discovered in 2010, cyber weapons have been the subject of much discussion. It was used to disrupt the control mechanisms of Iran’s uranium enrichment centrifuges.

Professor Ciaran MartinCB, the former CEO of UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), stated that there are increasingly realistic scenarios that cause the US and UK governments to rightly warn organizations to be on high alert. These warnings do not sound panicky. The UK clearly states that there is not a specific threat.  It is positive that both governments are actively engaging with organisations to improve their cyber resilience.

Companies around the world were caught up in the NotPetya attack. This caused massive commercial losses.  The article The Untold Story Of described NotPetya as the most devastating cyberattack ever recorded.

Recent warning by the leading global cybersecurity governmental organisations has named new malware Cyclops Blink, citing it as an emerging threat of note. The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC). Cyclops blink as a “highly sophisticated piece of malware” that has been “professionally developed”.  It is clear that malware remains a threat, especially sophisticated malware.

NCSC: Cyber Resilience Enhancement

The NCSC leads in helping organisations to become more resilient, but with the increased potential for cyber attacks they have issued GuidanceOrganizations can increase their cyber resilience.  This guidance is applicable to all scenarios and begins by saying that the threat an organisation faces can change over time. There is always a need for balance between the threat to the organisation, the defenses needed against it, the costs and implications of those defenses, and the overall risk.

The best thing about NCSC advice? It is impartial, clear, understandable, simple to apply, and free. This guidance is updated to describe its purpose: When organisations might face greater threats and the steps to improve security.  It also offers cost-effective guidance because every organisation is different and cannot afford the same solutions.

Jen Easterly, Director of CISA We live in a time when every government, business, and individual must be aware of the threat of ransomware, and take steps to reduce the chance of becoming a victim. 

It is crucial that cyber risk to an organization is balanced with the defensive measures taken against it. The threat can change over time, so the implications of the risk versus defense dilemma may again vary over time. This is when the NCSC suggests moving to increased alert.

  • Help prioritise cyber security work
  • Provide a temporary boost for defenses
  • Organizations have the best chance to prevent a cyber-attack from happening when it is more likely. They also need to be able to recover quickly if it does happen.

CISA, like the NCSC, provides clear and free advice. CISA states that in a time of increased threat, it is important to immediately take steps such as patching all operating systems on time, creating a user training program that includes recognizing suspicious emails and reporting them, and securing and monitoring remote desktop protocols if applicable.

Again, the CISA website is just like the NCSC. www.StopRansomware.govThe U.S. federal government’s one-stop-shop for information on how to prevent large and small organizations from falling prey to ransomware is,

Stay ahead of the threats

Amid the rapid technological advancements and an ever-increasing threat environment, it seems sensible for organisations to maintain a high level of alert. This will allow them to be ready to respond to potentially exploitable environments like Web 3 and the Metaverse.

The Metaverse is centered on external devices, more IoT and remains vulnerable as ever. However, it adds an extra layer of exploitable endspoints where the prizes include crypto wallets, data and exploitation. Criminals will be expanding and preparing for these new nefarious possibilities. Organisations need to do the same as criminals. Keeping still in cyberspace is actually going in reverse.

We are living in an uncertain time, where cybersecurity could still play an important role in global events. Preparing for increased robustness is not a smart way to reduce potential risks and ensure organisational resilience. It also gives you the foundation to embrace new technologies.

About the Author Philip Ingram MBEA former colonel in British military Intelligence, he is now a journalist and international commentator about all things security.

Editor’s Note: Tripwire, Inc. is not responsible for the opinions expressed in this guest writer article.

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