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CyrusOne embraces environmental transparency by disclosing through CDP
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CyrusOne embraces environmental transparency by disclosing through CDP

DALLAS–(BUSINESS WIRE)–CyrusOne Inc.A premier global data center real-estate investment trust (REIT), today announced it has increased its commitment to environmental transparency through disclosing its environmental impacts through CDP, a global non profit that manages the world’s most comprehensive environmental disclosure platform. CyrusOne’s first year disclosing via CDP. The company completed the Climate Change and Water Security questionnaires.

CyrusOne disclosed its progress on sustainability goals and research. This highlighted CyrusOnes systematic approach in understanding and addressing climate change risks to the data center industry. The companys 2021 Sustainability Report details this process. CyrusOne’s industry-leading net positive water commitment to its flagship facility in Carrollton, Texas in 2021 was expanded. This resulted in a 67% drop in facility water consumption compared with the previous year. The company also purchased Water Restoration Credits to increase its remaining consumption. This will provide benefits for the local wildlife and the community.

Disclosure of data on environmental impact is now a business standard; by 2021, more than 13,000 will have been disclosed CDP provides information on companies that account for more than 64% global market capitalization. CDP has provided environmental data to more than 75% of the S&P 500, and 590 investors managing US$110 trillion have requested this information from companies.

Over the past several years, CyrusOne has made great strides in its sustainability program. Our collaboration with the CDP is a significant milestone in our efforts. Our annual Sustainability Report was released last November, highlighting our significant progress in implementing energy-efficient data center designs and expanding the net-positive water commitment, stated Kyle Myers, Senior Director for Environmental Health, Safety & Sustainability CyrusOne. CyrusOne has been raising the bar in sustainability. Reporting our progress to CDP is an important step in advancing our commitment. We are especially proud to be the first data center REIT to submit the CDP Water Security Questionnaire. This highlights the importance water plays in the data center industry.

Simon Fischweicher, Head Corporations and Supply Chains at CDP North AmericaCommented: Climate change is a present and future threat to companies and their supply chain. Companies cannot manage environmental risks and opportunities unless they measure them. This is especially true as major investors and federal policymakers push for greater transparency. CyrusOne took an important first step by disclosing its environmental impact through CDP. I look forward to their continued transparency and efforts in securing a just, sustainable, and net-zero world.

You can access the CDP disclosures of companies here

About CyrusOne

CyrusOne (NASDAQ : CONE), a global REIT that specializes in the design, construction, and operation of over 50 high-performance data centres worldwide, is a leader in this field. The company provides mission critical facilities that ensure the ongoing operation of IT infrastructure to approximately 1,000 customers, which includes approximately 200 Fortune 1000 companies. CyrusOne, a leader in hybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments offers colocation and hyperscale as well as build-to-suit environments. These environments help customers increase the strategic connection to their critical data infrastructure and support their sustainability goals. CyrusOne data center offers world-class flexibility to enable clients to modernize and simplify their systems, as well as quickly respond to changing market demands. CyrusOne customers enjoy long-term stability at scale thanks to their exceptional financial strength combined with a global footprint.

About CDP

CDP is a non-profit organization that manages the world’s environmental disclosure system for cities, states, regions, and companies. CDP was established in 2000. With more than 590 investors, CDP has over US$110 billion in assets. They pioneered the use of capital markets and corporate procurement to encourage companies to disclose their environmental impact and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, protect water resources, and preserve forests. CDP has over 14,000 data providers around the globe. These include more than 13,000 companies that account for over 64% global market capitalization. There are also over 1,100 cities and states that have provided data. The combined population is over 2.6 billion. CDP is fully aligned with TCFD and has the largest environmental database in existence. CDP scores are widely used for investment and procurement decisions to create a resilient, sustainable, and net-zero economy. CDP is a founding partner of the Science Based Targets, We Mean Business Coalition and The Investor Agenda. To learn more, visit and follow us @CDP

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