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Davie Academy is on an ambitious mission to create an interactive learning environment to encourage best practices in early childhood education.
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Davie Academy is on an ambitious mission to create an interactive learning environment to encourage best practices in early childhood education.

Davie Academy is on a Mission to Create an Interactive Learning Environment to Encourage Best Practices in Early Childhood Education

The Davie Academy professionals help children improve cognitive function in a safe, secure learning environment.

DAVIE, FL/ACCESSWIRE / March 2, 2020 /Davie Academy, a preschool and learning center with an innovative approach, aims to help children achieve their full potential. The educators at Davie Academy believe in an inquiry-based approach that encourages students to explore their creativity and improve their fine motor skills, fine motor development, and problem solving skills.

“At Davie Academy, our focus is on each child’s needs. STEAM is a method of learning that explores the foundations in science, technology engineering, mathematics, and arts. This model allows educators to encourage collaboration and equip children with the skills necessary to support their development. – Davie Academy Curriculum Director.

Inquiry-based learning emphasizes the student’s involvement in the learning process. Davie Academy teachers encourage curiosity through active engagement with students. Early childhood education is all about exploration and play. Children learn best from first-hand experiences.

“Our educators work tirelessly to foster a loving, creative environment. Our highly qualified staff assists children in learning by listening to their needs. The educators at Davie Academy work creatively to give students the foundations they need to succeed in the future.

Anyone who is interested in more information about our enrollment processes can access it directly from our website.

Anyone who is interested can visit the following website.

About Davie Academy
Davie Academy is a preschool and learning center that focuses on providing high-quality education in a safe, secure environment. The professionals at Davie Academy use an inquiry-based approach to encourage critical thinking and exploration of a wide variety of subjects, including science, technology engineering, arts, mathematics, and art. The professionals at Davie Academy have a common goal: to provide the best early childhood education possible.

Contact Information:
Davie Academy
Email: [email protected]

SOURCE: Davie Academy – View the source version

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