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Democrats should be courting Romney, and not Manchin.
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Democrats should be courting Romney, and not Manchin.

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When President Joe BidenJoe BidenFDA approves second at-home rapid COVID-19 testing Pentagon awards 6.7M contract in domestic production of critical material necessary for rapid COVID-19 test. Armed man with a ‘hitlist’ that includes Biden, Fauci, arrested in Iowa as he was on his way to White House LEARN MORE The Build Back Better framework was announcedHe called it “the most transformative investment for children and caregiving in generations” as well as “the largest effort to combat climate changes in American history” in October. A month later, House Passed the Build Back Better ActBiden’s priorities were followed by $775 billion for family benefits and $560 million for climate. Last week, however, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) saidHe “cannot move forward” and denied the reconciliation bill the 50th Senate voting it needed to pass.

Manchin blames the bill’s large size, describing it “sweeping” and “mammoth”, and citing the Congressional Budget Office’s estimate of Build Back Better. Add $3 trillion to deficitOver a decade, if programs that were scheduled to expire were instead made permanently. Fundamentally, however, the rejection represents a difference of values between West Virginia senators, and other congressional Democrats. 

Democrats have a closer partner across the aisle on climate change and child poverty.

Child poverty is a serious problem. Experts agreeThe simplest solution is always the best. Giving families money helps children. Educational outcomes,HealthAnd even more Longevity. The direct remedy is something Democrats have sought for decades. In 2017, Sens. Michael BennetMichael Farrand BennetSenate Democrats press for information on nursing home boosters The Memo: Failure to pay the big bill will cause trouble for Biden No. No. LEARN MORE(D-Colo. Sherrod BrownSherrod Campbell BrownThe 10 races that will decide which senatorial majority President of Ukraine, US lawmakers gather in midst tensions with Russia Equilibrium/Sustainability — New life blossoms in Antarctic ice shelf LEARN MORE(D-Ohio), introduced the American Family Act, an expansion of the Child Tax Credit that promised to Cut child poverty in halfand overall poverty by a fifth. The American Rescue Plan adopted a similar policy and kept Millions of childrenThis year, we have lifted ourselves out of poverty every month. Extend the program, particularly the element that helps our Children who are the most vulnerableSince the beginning, Build Back Better has been a central part of their work. Manchin suggested that parents should be involved in the project. Spend the rewards on vices (despite There is ample evidence to support this assertion) and when he GegenofferLast week, the White House did not mention the Child Tax Credit.

Experts agree that it is crucial to keep our environment healthy. Rapidly reduce carbon emissions. EconomistsIt is overwhelmingSupportOne tool in particular is the carbon dividend. In this case, the government levies a fee to fossil fuel companies but rebates all Americans equally the proceeds. A carbon dividend would be.More than twice the amountEmissions reductions by Build Back BetterAvert millions of deathsAir pollution and EvenLower povertyInequality. Manchin has however. long defendedThe coal industry is against legislation that threatens high-carbon energy sources, including President Barack Obama’s. Barack ObamaBarack Hussein ObamaArmed man with a ‘hitlist’ that includes Biden, Fauci, arrested in Iowa as he was on his way to White House The party of the ‘Karens: The new Democratic Party alienates white voters Two tax policies and a tale: What motivates Senate? LEARN MORE‘s cap-and-trade proposal. He was the one to propose Build Back Better A plan was killedto punish utilities that continue to use fossil fuels, acted Only Democratic holdoutHe also charged a corporate polluter’s fee and warned in his statement about the “catastrophic consequences” of accelerating decarbonization.

Sen. Mitt RomneyWillard (Mitt) Mitt RomneyKeith Olbermann is criticized for tweeting about the Romney family Harry Reid, political pugilist, and longtime Senate majority lead, dies Manchin and the Child Tax Credit: Meeting Manchin LEARN MORE (R-Utah) would. Romney released the expansion of the Child Tax Credit in February. Family Security ActLast week, he was Congress was urgedTo use that plan to start bipartisan child welfare reform. Romney also called for a carbon dividend OnMultiple occasionsOctober, saying, “For the life of me I don’t understand why Democrats right now through reconciliation […]We are not going to put a price on carbon.”

Romney would likely seek concessions on the other parts of Build back Better, especially the House bill’s $275billion to expand the state tax (SALT), deduction, and $270b to fund childcare. These provisions have been criticized by liberal policy experts as well. The rich benefit from SALT expansionWhile childcare subsidies are available, Increase costs for parents who are not subsidizedCreate welfare cliffsThis discourages work and Exclude children from non-participating countries. Romney’s Family Security Act, instead, repeals SALT and Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit. Making the plan progressiveThis, especially when combined with its child benefit, is more generous that Build Back Better.

Renegotiating Build Back Better with Romney for the 50th vote could increase its anti-poverty or pro-climate impact, but it’s not necessary to secure an expanded Child Tax Credit. Democrats do not have to convince 10 Republican senators of joining Romney and overcoming the filibuster. Since the Senate can Each year, draft two reconciliation billsThey could use one to fund a Manchin Build Back Better Act and the other for a Romney “Child Poverty and Carbon Emissions Reduction Act.”

Democrats can’t afford to turn away allies when there are children in poverty and a climate crisis. Romney could be their key to lasting reform.

Max Ghenis is founder and president UBI Center, a think-tank that studies universal basic income policies. Follow Max Ghenis on Twitter @MaxGhenis


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