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Dhaka is noisy enough to disturb your sleep. Environment ministers are kept awake at night by loud horns
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Dhaka is noisy enough to disturb your sleep. Environment ministers are kept awake at night by loud horns

The issue was brought up at an event in the capital Monday. Drivers honk their horns without any reason. I wonder how residents of Dhaka sleep when I can’t sleep because of loud horns, despite being the environment minister.

People use the prohibited horns on empty roads, mile after mile. I can’t fall asleep at 3am and 4am. The law enforcers need to make people aware of the issue and force them to take action. [drivers to follow the rules on horns].

Shahab Uddin cited an anecdote about his own life and said that he had to travel 22 kms to place a banana skin in a bin in a foreign country.

We throw garbage everywhere. We don’t obey the law. He said that we do it when we are forced to.

Asaduzzaman Khan, Home Minister, recently shared his painful experience with the noise pollution that high-volume car horns can cause, even at night.

I live in Dhanmondi’s government quarters. I heard a loud, ominous sound around 2:30am. It was most likely an ambulance. The road was completely empty and there were no pedestrians. They kept using the siren despite this. They didn’t even realize that they were disturbing others or waking them up from their sleep.

The event was organized by the environment, forest, and climate change ministry in partnership with World Bank at a hotel to discuss a sustainable plan for managing plastics.

Minister urged everyone to reduce plastic use and to recycle to help the environment.

According to data from the event, the use of plastics has increased to 9kg per person in a year in Bangladesh’s urban areas, up from three kilograms in 2005. Dhaka residents consume 24 kg of plastics annually.

As more garbage is added to the landfill, the coronavirus pandemic is escalating.

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