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Discussion of the formulas to combat climate crisis
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Discussion of the formulas to combat climate crisis

Formulas of Combating Climate Crisis Discussed


Formulas of Combating Climate Crisis Discussed
Discussion on the Formulas for Combating Climate Crisis

Karşıyaka Sustainable Energy in Local Governments and Climate Action Plan in Municipalities Meeting, organized by the Municipality, discussed the effects of the climate crisis and methods of combating it. Participating in the program, Deputy Mayor of Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, Mustafa Özuslu, said, “We saw that the only way to be resistant to disasters and epidemics is to live a life in harmony with nature and to build our cities in harmony with nature.”

Karşıyaka Municipality organized “Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan Municipalities Meeting in Local Governments”. İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu, CHP Deputy Chairman for Nature Rights and Environment Ali Öztunç, CHP Deputy Chairman for Energy and Infrastructure Projects Ahmet Akın, CHP İzmir MPs, CHP Party Assembly Member Rıfat Nalbantoğlu, participated in the program at Zübeyde Hanım Wedding Palace. CHP İzmir Provincial Chairman Deniz Yücel, mayors and many citizens attended.

“City-oriented struggle that is right”

The keynote speaker of the meeting Karşıyaka Mayor Cemil Tugay stated that the climate crisis has now clearly affected everyone’s life. Tugay said, “Some studies are being carried out with a centralist approach, but I do not think that this is a way to achieve results. He said that it is impossible to have a successful process if you don’t listen to local governments and involve them in solving local problems. Tugay pointed out that the climate issue was a supra-political matter and that 55% of the world’s inhabitants live in cities. Therefore, an urban-oriented struggle would be more effective. Brigay stressed that municipalities should be given more power in this fight and that they should receive more resources.

“We must protect the unique nature of the city and grow it”

İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Mayor Mustafa Özuslu said that although people have nowhere else to go, they drag their own home into a great ecological destruction with their own hands. Stating that the world is moving away from being a livable place at a great pace, Mustafa Özuslu stated that as İzmir Metropolitan Municipality, they act with an understanding that prioritizes people, youth and the right to life of all living things, and continued: Protecting and growing is among our top priorities. In 2020, we prepared two strategic reports that met international standards. These reports were approved in 2021 by the Izmir Metropolitan Assembly. They are the Green City Action Plan and Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan. These plans draw our roadmap for Izmir’s adaptation to nature and our fight against the climate crisis.”

“We are the climate and we will change”

Noting that as the Izmir Metropolitan Municipality, they not only put forward the problems, but also take responsibility in every necessary area and will continue to do so, Özuslu said, “We continue on our way with the aim of nature’s penetration into the city, people’s penetration of nature, circular economy and strengthening the cultural connections between the rural area and the metropolitan area in Izmir. We have learned that living in harmony and developing cities in harmony is the only way to resist epidemics and disasters. Cities are the first ones to experience the effects of climate change. Cities speak like nations. This is exactly what we want to do today. Nature is both strong and fragile. It is restoring nature. kazanWe have no other place to go, so we can make peace. He said, “We are the climate, and we will change.”

“Turkey is losing its wetlands”

CHP İzmir Deputy Murat Minister also said in his speech that the world has become an uninhabitable place. Murat Minister said, “The world is entering a new economic order. This is the carbon free economic order. In 2019, the European Union signed the European Green Deal. One of its results is a carbon tax at the border. He told Turkey, “You produce high levels of carbon emissions with low technology and can compete with us.” You are causing a climate leakage. He states that we will impose carbon taxes on your company. High technology produces less carbon. It will be 70 Euros per tonne if Turkey is subject to a carbon tax. This means that it will have to bear a burden of 2.4 trillion Euros. Is the government ready for this? No,” he said.

“There is a nuclear waste site in the middle of your city”

CHP Deputy Chairman for Nature Rights and Environment Ali Öztunç, on the other hand, pointed out that the climate crisis is one of the most important problems experienced by the world, and drew attention to Atatürk’s words “Peace at home, peace in the world”, drawing attention to the war. Pointing out that Europe is now once again faced with the danger of a Chernobyl, Öztunç said, “A serious natural massacre is taking place. It continues to remain silent. Why don’t those who talk about ‘what will Russia do, what will it do’ because it has nuclear weapons, not see İzmir? There is a nuclear waste site in Gaziemir, in the middle of İzmir. Izmir should be considered by those who have seen Chernobyl. It’s impossible to believe that there is a nuclear waste facility in the middle a city like yours. Why isn’t there anything being done?” He said.

“The world adjusts its policies according to the sun”

CHP Deputy Chairman for Energy and Infrastructure Projects Ahmet Akın also stated that there is a major climate crisis in Turkey and in the world, “More than 70 percent of greenhouse gas emissions originate from energy. We must work with energy. Our energy policies must include solar and renewable energy. We are focusing on renewable energy and the sun in order to leave a livable Turkey. I heartily congratulate our municipalities. I congratulate my president Tunç for his work and vision in the field of energy. This will continue to grow. Over time, you will see how carbon emissions have decreased in İzmir. Turkey has the first energy cooperatives implemented by localities. 70 percent of the world’s population will live within cities by 2050. That is why the work of our mayors is very important.”

In the program, İzmir Metropolitan Municipality Deputy Secretary General Şükran Nurlu also gave information about the works carried out by İzmir Metropolitan Municipality against the climate crisis.


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