A saying goes, “mighty oaks are made from small acorns.” Carbon sinks can also be started from small beginnings, so there is no need to build a mangrove swamp.
As a corporate gift, this was a first experience for the veteran Upstream reporter. Technip Energies, France-based contractor, presented the plant to me at the OTC Asia 2022 event in Malaysia.
Technip Energies staff explained that the plant could either be placed in an office or at home, and would help reduce carbon dioxide in the room.
I was a little unsure if it was legal to import a live plant into Singapore. Also, I was not too sure if my green fingers would allow me to accept the gift.
So far, so good. The plant seems to be doing well on a basic diet of water, sunlight, and I am helping the environment.
Technip Energies displayed a wall of plants on its OTC Asia 2020 exhibition stand. This helped improve the air quality at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre.