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Doudera chosen as Environmental Caucus Maine State Lead – Knox County VillageSoup
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Doudera chosen as Environmental Caucus Maine State Lead – Knox County VillageSoup

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Vicki Doudera has been elected the 2022 Maine State Leader by The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators. This position exemplifies a strong commitment to sound environmental policy in Maine, and a demonstrated leadership role within this organization.

I’m thrilled to have been selected by NCEL to work with my colleagues to advance important environmental legislation in Maine. There is no shortage of work ahead, from pollinators and PFAS, to climate adaptation, to ocean acidification, to climate change, there is no shortage of work. As the NCEL Maine State Lead, I’ll facilitate collaboration between lawmakers exploring these issues, and make sure they have the resources and tools to pursue sound environmental policies with the help of NCEL’s network and research.

Doudera, as a State Lead in NCEL, will demonstrate leadership by coordinating in-state events and growing NCEL’s network of legislators to support environmental issues.

Jeff Mauk (executive director of NCEL) stated that NCELs State Leads play a vital role in promoting cross-state cooperation on environmental policy. It is vital to have a legislator in every state to facilitate NCELs work. They can introduce legislators on emerging environmental topics and facilitate introductions between peers across the country, creating new avenues of cooperation and sharing lessons learnt.

The National Caucus of Environmental Legislators, a 501(c),(3) nonprofit, was founded by and for state lawmakers. It organizes over 1,200 state legislators who are environmentally-conscious from all 50 states and both major political parties. NCEL provides opportunities for lawmakers to meet and share ideas, collaborate on their environmental priorities, and embed notions and justice at every step.

Vicki Doudera (D-Camden) is the representative of District 94 in Maine’s Legislature and is currently serving her second term. She is a member and chair of the Legislative Gun Safety Caucus.

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