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DR Congo: Raising Larvae is a new way to improve food security, the environment, and the economy
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DR Congo: Raising Larvae is a new way to improve food security, the environment, and the economy

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Murhula zigabe has been breeding black soldier fleas in Bukavu in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo for several months. The larvae of the flies eat food waste and are used locally by breeders to feed chickens, fish, and pigs. Zigabe believes these insects are less expensive than traditional animal protein and can be used to combat food insecurity in the area.

Zigabe founded the company in 2018. Briquette du KivuIt is made from organic waste from households or streets, such as banana peels and corn cobs. It’s an alternative to charcoal commonly used in industry, which can lead to deforestation.

“Every year, the DR Congo invests around 2 billion dollars in food imports for humans and animals. Much of it isn’t even eaten and ends up in trash.

Not all food scrap can be used to make green charcoal. Rotten fruits and vegetables are not acceptable. These leftovers were used by the entrepreneur to feed black soldier fly larvae which he began breeding in April 2021.

Black soldier flies are not able to eat or bite. They only drink water and lay eggs. We collect them. We get larvae from them when they hatch. These larvae are fed with the collected waste: papaya, mango, papaya, and so on. The larvae will be large and rich in protein two weeks later. The larvae can then be used for feeding fish, chickens, and pigs.

According to the World Food Security Initiative, insect protein can “contribute towards human and animal feed security” as the world’s population grows and demands for protein increase. The UN Food and Agriculture Organisation(FAO). Insects can be found all over the world, as they reproduce quickly and are nutritious. Their production is also low-impact compared with plant proteins such soy.

This week’s The Observers [see video above]We spoke to Zigabe about the larvae project and how it is helping farmers both economically and ecologically in his region.

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