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Due to environmental concerns, construction on 100,000 homes was halted
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Due to environmental concerns, construction on 100,000 homes was halted

New advice from local authorities regarding the environmental impact of certain nutrients released by new housing projects is causing the suspension of the delivery of 100,000 homes in the country.

Nature England, an independent body that is sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, was responsible for sending the advice. It was sent to 42 local planning authorities in addition to 32 others that had received it. It affects the catchment areas for housing projects across these seventy-four authorities.

The Home Builders Federation (HBF), which represents 80 percent of housing construction in the country was surveyed its members to determine how many were affected by the most recent update. It was able to conclude that the number reached 100,000 homes.

Natural England alerted local councils to the serious nutrients problem. This is the release of high levels of nitrogen or phosphorous into rivers and estuaries. This eventually leads to a loss in biodiversity. These nutrients can be released from wastewater that hasn’t been properly treated in the built environment.

The net neutrality test was suggested by the authority as a solution. It allows developers to follow mitigation plans and ensure that there is not an increase in nutrient loading at sites that already have high nutrient levels.

Local authorities can only approve homes if they feel that the proposed development will not have an adverse effect on protected areas. This is because housebuilders are worried about clogging up an already slow system.

HBF further claimed that nutrients from urban environments contributed to approximately 4 percent of the problem while new housebuilding contributed an even smaller portion.

The trade association has asked the government for a more uniform set standards and compliance methods. It is slow to create new environmental assets in order to achieve neutrality. This is especially true in areas that are already struggling.

James Stevens, HBF director for cities, said: It is important to avoid harm to water habitats due to nutrients. The housebuilding industry is ready to play its role in a fair and reasonable manner. We face an acute housing shortage and the economic and social consequences of delaying the construction of tens of thousands more homes are severe. We urge government to quickly agree to proportionate measures that take into account the impact of housing delivery on the problem. This situation has been ongoing for years. It is urgent that solutions be found and implemented immediately.

Melanie Hughes, director of Natural England’s sustainable development programme, said that the agency recognized it wasn’t easy to adopt net neutrality for many cases and promised support to all parties.

The initial set of targets was for the south. However, this latest advice is for the north. It affects levelling-up areas such as the Teesmouth and Cleveland Coasts, the Broads and Wensum in Norfolk and the River Eden catchment region, especially Carlisle.

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