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Editorial: Eastman invests to Kingsport and the environment| Editorials
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Editorial: Eastman invests to Kingsport and the environment| Editorials

The U.S. did not stop pressure-treating wood using arsenic/chromium until 2003. This increased risk of skin, bladder, lung and bladder cancers was not something that was stopped.

There are many more eco-friendly ways to treat wood today. Acetylation is an example.

Acetylation, which is a process that ensures woods place as a future building material, is explained by C& It generates chemical news and engineering information.

C&En reported 10 years ago that several companies are increasing their acetylated-wood production and are seeding markets with the product. Eastman Chemical, a major cellulose acetate maker in the world, is acetylating timber at its Kingsport, Tenn. chemical complex. The lumber will be sold in 50 Lowes locations across New England under the Perennial Wood name. Accsys Technologies creates acetylation technologies and licenses them to third parties.

Ten years later, the two companies announced the creation Accoya USA LLC to service the North American market from Kingsport. It is a $136million local investment that will cement Eastman’s relationship with Kingsport. 300 construction jobs will be created over the next 20 month.

The joint venture will build and operate an acetylated-wood facility, adding 70 permanent jobs when it opens in 2024.

We are committed in continuing investment at our Kingsport site, and we are excited to work with Accsys for more high-quality, well-paying job opportunities in the area as part of this new acetylated hardwood facility,” Brad Lich (Eastman executive vice president, chief commercial officer) stated in an Accsys news release.

Multiple construction permits have been secured. The site is to be constructed on Eastman’s current operational site.

Accoya says it is an exciting project to expand the production of a product which, according to Accoya puts softwood to vinegar which hardens the wood and prevents the cells absorbing water. According to Accoya, Acetylated wood is also less susceptible to insects.

Customers in North America recognize the benefits Accoya offers over other woods. They also don’t shrink or crack as easily when wet. Additionally, the sustainability benefits are clear and highly sought after to decarbonize the built environment. Rob Harris, chief executive at Accsys, said that Accoya is highly valued by customers worldwide.

Accoya offers a 50-year above ground warranty to prove it. The product is guaranteed for 25 years even if it is submerged or immersed in water.

Accoya is a great choice for people who want to have peace of mind about quality and durability. It also reduces the environmental impact of construction and actually increases the carbon sink capacity in our buildings and cities, according to Accsys.

Kingsport will become the only global construction material to be awarded C2C Platinum certification for Material Health. This certification helps reduce carbon emissions, and is nontoxic and safe for people and pets. It’s a remarkable distinction and we are honored by it.

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