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ENAIRE’s green strategy for sustainable aviation is Green Sky.
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ENAIRE’s green strategy for sustainable aviation is Green Sky.

Spanish air navigation operator ENAIRE approved the new Environmental Sustainability Strategy as part of its Flight Plan 2025 program. It will use these initiatives to promote sustainable aviation.

ENAIRE currently provides flight control and enroute overflight services via five centers in Madrid (Barcelona, Seville and Gran Canaria), Palma (as well as the approximations for all Spanish airports). The 2025 Flight Plan aims at promoting sustainability by improving air traffic management.

Three initiatives are part of the Green Sky Environmental Sustainability Strategy:

  • Fly CleanThis initiative aims to reduce CO2 emissions through the efficiency and operation of flights in Spanish airspace.

The horizontal efficiency of flights will reduce distances and time taken to fly and the time required to taxi an aircraft at airports. ENAIRE promises that the civil-military coordination will optimize the route network, which will allow for more flexible and efficient use of the airspace designated for Defense purposes.


According to the agency’s estimates, the most direct routes will reduce some 9.8 million kilometers flown between 2021 and 2025, which would represent a saving of 58,500 tons of fuel and the possibility of avoiding the emission of 185,000 tons of CO2 into the environment.

  • Fly QuietOn the other hand, it will work to reduce noise pollution that has an impact on biodiversity and the population. ENAIRE announced that it will use satellite technology (PBN), to design more efficient routes that avoid overflying people and to analyze the possible acoustic effects of each aerial maneuvering.
  • 1The agency will take the initiative to reduce its emissions directly through the use renewable energies and more efficient vehicles.

ENAIRE’s Green Sky initiative is dedicated to the long-term sustainability and growth of the airline industry. It will introduce modernizations and enhancements that will increase efficiency.

In accordance with data published by the national air navigation manager, the air transport industry generates significant social and economic benefits by connecting society, being an important generator of employment and supporting global, European and national economic development (…) The air transport sector accounts in Spain for 1.8 million jobs, 109 billion euros of the Gross Domestic Product and moves 275 million passengers (source ATAG 2020 with data from 2019).

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