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Energy crisis: A third blames ‘profiteering by energy companies’ for gas price increases – new poll | UK News
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Energy crisis: A third blames ‘profiteering by energy companies’ for gas price increases – new poll | UK News

Prices for natural gas have hit a record high


According to a poll conducted exclusively by Sky News by the Energy and Climate Intelligence Unit think-tank, more than a third blames energy companies for the gas crisis.

Nearly a quarter (29%) of respondents believed that the Russia reduces gas supplies to Europe28% attributed the blame to this key driver increasing global demand.

Sky News previously reported that Record profits for oil and natural gas companiesDue to the rising cost of energy, both the Liberal Democrat and Labour parties call for a windfall income taxTo ease the financial burden on UK consumers, something the government has not yet done.

The Net Zero Scrutiny Group (around 20 Conservative MPs) has also called on the government to address the cost of living. Energy price crisisBy reducing green levies on energy bills and increasing gas drilling at the North Sea.

Continue reading:Drilling for North Sea gas is a foolish strategy to bring down energy prices.

Only 13% of the 2,000 respondents agreed that it was possible to remove green levies from their bills. Even fewer believed that fracking or more North Sea gas was the best approach.

Half of those interviewed said that it was better to reduce our dependence on natural gas through more renewable energy use and better insulation.

However, the survey revealed significant concern about the cost of reaching the UK’s goal of net zeroCarbon emissions by 2050

The target received broad support (73%), but nearly a third of people agreed that it was impossible to afford to implement policies to address the problem. Climate changeThey are too expensive for the consumer and taxpayer at a time when they cannot afford them.

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‘We know Russia is restricting supplies’

“Future generations will suffer”

See Also

Nearly half of respondents agreed that it was impossible to ignore policies to address climate change. The devastating effects of climate change have already begun and will continue to affect future generations.

The government’s Office for Budget Responsibility has estimated that the cost of getting to net zero in the UK will be nearly £1.5trn, although that investment should eventually deliver over £1trn of savings.

The Treasury has not ruled in tax increases or reducing government spending to find the funds to pay these costs. This is a topic of growing disagreement among Conservative benches.

A report from a consultancy group McKinsey recently reported that global spending for reaching net zero could exceed $9.2trnEach year until 2050, but this would be much less than the cost of not tackling global warming.


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