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Environment America: Protect the Boreal Forest| Environment America
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Environment America: Protect the Boreal Forest| Environment America

The boreal forest covers more than 1,000,000 acres of Canada and surrounds the earth with coniferous tree-covered trees. It is filled with mossy bogs and unbroken forest, and its freshwater bodies provide water for millions. It is home to many species, including cougars, boreal caribous, and grizzly bees. It also serves as a nesting ground for billions upon billions of birds who migrate to our parks and backyards every year. Nearly half of North American bird species are found there. Our climate is also greatly influenced by the Canadian boreal. It absorbs enough carbon dioxide every year to offset the emissions by 24 million cars. Additionally, the soil and trees in Canada store 300 billion tonnes of carbon. This is nearly twice the amount of oil reserves that are available worldwide.

The forest is shrinking fast. Each year, softwood lumber and other products are produced by the cutting down of a million acres. These products are demanded by American companies such as The Home Depot. The impacts of logging can already be seen. More than half the iconic woodland caribbou herds that are a keystone of many Indigenous tribes’ history and culture, are at risk. Each year, 26 million tonnes of carbon dioxide are released into our atmosphere each year by degrading the boreal.

The Canadian boreal forest must be logged less and more strictly. American consumers have the power and ability to protect Canada’s forest forests, as the US is responsible for the majority of Canada’s total forest exports. Some companies source almost all their wood products from forests certified by FSC (Forest Stewardship Council). This certifies that forests are managed in a way which protects the environment, animals and communities that call this forest home. The Home Depot, which sourced 90% of its wood from North America in 2016, is far behind. It is the largest U.S. home improvement retailer and has the resources to ensure that its wood is sourced sustainably.

The Home Depot already has a wood-sourcing policy. The Home Depot will not be able to change its wood sourcing policy without the support of American consumers who care about the boreal. We will collect signatures, publish letters of concern to the editor, email executives, and contact them with any other means necessary to increase pressure on The Home Depot.

Do it now. Every minute we wait, a quarter of a football field’s worth of Canadian boreal forests is being cut down. The destruction of the boreal forest, one of our most promising natural climate solutions and greatest assets, is making more profit for Americans. We don’t have time to wait; it is time to protect the boreal forests in order to save our planet.

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