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Environment Canada warns of frigid temperatures that could blanket B.C. Through next week
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Environment Canada warns of frigid temperatures that could blanket B.C. Through next week

VANCOUVER Large areas of central and southern British Columbia were subject to winter storm and snowfall warnings. Environment Canada stated that these warnings were expected to end by Christmas Eve.

VANCOUVER Large areas of central and southern British Columbia were subject to winter storm and snowfall warnings. Environment Canada stated that these warnings were expected to end by Christmas Eve.

Special weather statements were posted in Victoria, Metro Vancouver, the inner south coast. They advise that rain will turn to snow over the weekend. An arctic blast causes temperatures to plunge across the province for the rest of December.

The cold air from the south coast is expected to bring snow. Temperatures are well below seasonal and the wind chill means that there is a higher risk of hypothermia or frostbite.

Northern British Columbia was already experiencing extreme cold. The wind chill in some areas along the Yukon border made it feel as close to -45 C.

Environment Canada has issued a warning about an Arctic outflow for the north coast regions of Kitimat, Terrace. Wind chill values could drop to -30 C this weekend in areas from Prince George to Kelowna or Revelstoke. Temperatures could drop to -36 C by next week.

Already, evacuation alerts have been issued for Smithers due to sub-zero temperatures. An ice jam on the Bulkley river is threatening to flood both sides. Smithers and the Regional district of Bulkley–Nechako are advising affected residents to be ready for evacuation on short notice.

This report by The Canadian Press first appeared Dec. 23, 2021.

The Canadian Press

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