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Environment Canada: Wind chill could drop to 40 tonight
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Environment Canada: Wind chill could drop to 40 tonight

Extreme cold warning in force for:
    •    Elliot Lake – Ranger Lake
    •    Greater Sudbury and vicinity

It is possible to expect very cold wind chills.

Minimum low temperatures are between minus 30 and minus 35 degrees Celsius, with wind chill values close to minus 40.

Tonight through Wednesday morning

Extreme cold puts everyone at high risk

The risks are higher for children and older adults, as well as people with chronic diseases, those who work outdoors or exercise outside, and those who don’t have shelter.

Cover up. Frostbite can occur in minutes on exposed skin, especially when there is wind chill.

If it is too cold outside, it is too cold outside for your pet.

Keep an eye on Environment Canada’s forecasts and alerts. Send an email at [email protected] if you have concerns about severe weather.


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