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Environment| Environment

According to new research Tyson Foods uses nine to 10 million acres of farmland, an area nearly twice as large as New Jersey to produce soybeans and corn to feed the more that 2 billion animals it processes annually in the US.

The StudyThe Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS), in a Wednesday report, also estimated that only 5% of this land, or 408,000 acres, have been enrolled into sustainable farming programs. AnnouncementTyson in 2018.

The UCS findings are based upon calculations of the amount and type of soybeans Tyson would need to feed approximately 6,000,000 cattle, 22,000,000 hogs, nearly 2,000,000 chickens, and 22 million hogs in the US in 2020. These calculations were based on Tyson’s data.

An area chart shows the approximate acres of farmland needed to produce feed crops for Tysons animals in 2020. The total area of 10m acres is almost twice as large as New Jersey (12.2m acres).

Marcia DeLonge, senior scientist at UCS in food and environment, and coauthor of the report, stated that most consumers don’t realize how much land is needed to support industrial animal breeding and the wider environmental consequences of that. DeLonge stated that we are using this land in ways that cause a lot more pollution and contribute to climate change.

Tyson Foods declined to comment on the UCS research or to answer questions about its crop feed footprint.

Gidon Eshel, a Bard College researcher in Environmental Physics, stated that large-scale agriculture causes many of the environmental problems. These issues include changes in soil and water flow, how solar energy is relates to the earth and disruption of animals and plants. The risks of contaminating water supplies and harming ecosystems are another concern.

An area chart showing the US’s farmland used for planting feed crops between 1950 and 2021. Corn and soybeans dominate the acres.

2020 saw the planting on 174m acres of corn and soybeans exclusively in the US. This area is larger than Texas which accounts for 56% US’s total cropland. While some of these crops can be used for biofuel or processed foods, the majority of them are used for feed crops according to the US Department of Agriculture. Because [this land]The report stated that while crops could be grown to produce food for people, it is not possible to grow them.

Eshel said that growing feed crops has a high opportunity cost. You can get 3lbs of edible beef if you grow 100lbs corn and then feed it to cattle. This is why you can use land to grow food crops. [for humans]He said that it was incredibly questionable and wasteful.

Tyson doesn’t own any feed crops farms but its influence on the thousands of farmers who are part its supply chain is immense. The largest buyer of feed in the country is Tyson, which produces around 20% of the US’s pork, beef, and poultry.

The company pledged to support better environmental practices on 2m corn acres it uses for feed crops. This commitment was made in 2018. Tyson stated that the pledge would encourage grain growers to use more efficient fertilizers, and take additional steps to reduce water runoff.

Tom Hayes, then CEO of the company, stated in a statement that: The world needs more sustainable food systems. We believe it is up to large companies like ours set the pace and achieve bold goals.

However, today only 408,000 acres are enrolled in pilot sustainability programs. The company has extended its deadline for meeting the 2m mark to 2025 mainly due to Covid-related delays.

DeLonge said that Tysons dominant position could make the company a leader in sustainable food practices, but that its current efforts are not up to par. While two million acres is a significant step, they have only achieved 408,000 acres.

Even if Tyson fulfills its 2m acre commitment, this land is only one part of the companys overall impact. UCS estimates that Tysons total feed crop footprint exceeds five times and is close to 23 times its current progress.

DeLonge also raised concerns about the Tysons pledge’s lack of detail. It is a good step to include those acres in sustainability pilot programs. However, it does not necessarily mean they are being managed in a sustainable way, she stated.

Tyson Foods recently Set a goal To achieve net-zero greenhouse gases emissions by 2050

DeLonge said sustainable feed crop farming means that crops are grown without causing damage to the environment, degrading natural resources, or exploiting people. She stated that this would require the building and maintenance of healthy soils, water management wisely, minimizing pollution, encouraging biodiversity, and treating workers with dignity, respect, and she suggested.

UCS and the Guardian published a joint investigation in August last year that revealed how Tysons’ near monopoly of Arkansas gave it tremendous power at the expense to farmers and the planet. Tyson Food, at the time, defended its record in employment and pointed to the economic activity created by the meat industry.

The UCS report stated that cropland management can have an adverse effect on the environment, especially when there is farmland consolidation. ExplanationFor decades, the land used for growing crops has been merged into smaller and more efficient farms, threatening rural communities and the economy of the US.

DeLonge stated that when a single company like Tyson has such leverage over so many farmland, their actions could have significant consequences.

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