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Environment: Trends to Look Out For in NYC’s Future
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Environment: Trends to Look Out For in NYC’s Future

The beginning of 2022 marks the transition between Bill de Blasio’s eight years of New York City management and Mayor Eric Adams’s arrival. A Most of the City Council is newJust took office.

THE CITY is giving New York City an annual checkup by monitoring its vital signs year after year Health, poverty, crime, Housing, environment, homelessness and transportation, showing progress through de Blasios terms as office into the pandemic. Adams will be the first to take the stage.

Due to a 21% drop in transportation emissions, the COVID pandemic caused the largest annual drop in planet-warming greenhouse gases emissions.

2020: The citywide greenhouse gas emissions inventory48.4 million tonnes, down 12% from 2005 and 25% from 2005. In 2005, former Mayor Michael Bloomberg established a goal to reduce greenhouse gases emissions 30% by 2030.

2014, ex-Mayor Bill de Blasio Increased the target to 80%By 2050

By 2005, the city’s greenhouse gas emissions had fallen by 15.3%. It has remained the same since then.

In 2019, the city’s greenhouse gas emissions reached 55.1 million metric tonnes, an increase of 0.5% over 2013.

Ben Furnas, who was the final director of de Blasio’s Mayors Office of Climate and Sustainability, stated that 2019 was the last normal year before the pandemic disrupted work trends and called 2020 anomalous.

Furnas stated, “I think it’ll always be an asteris when we look at long-term emissions trajectory in the five boroughs.” Despite dramatically changing patterns of economic activity, it is striking that the reductions were not deeper, which speaks to how serious the challenge ahead.

The major greenhouse gas emitters are energy sources that are used in residential and commercial buildings, as well as manufacturing, cars and heavy-duty trucks, as well as landfills and waste management.

The New York City Council banned gas from new buildings on Dec. 15 to combat rising temperatures and the changing climate. The biggest hurdle to reducing carbon emissions is the greening of the power grid.

The city plans to achieve its long-term emissions reduction goal largely thanks to the development offshore wind power and new transmission lines that will bring renewable electricity from Canada and upstate into the city.

PM 2.5, also known simply as fine particulate material, is an air pollution that can cause serious health issues.

In 2014, New York City’s PM 2.5 concentration was below the federal limit. Limit for harmful levels, after dropping considerably. The federal Environmental Protection Agency considers a concentration of more than 12 micrograms per cubic meter to be harmful.

From there, the air got cleaner.

One reason: A ban on Use dirty heating oilThese and other regulations are listed by the city Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 97% decrease in sulfur dioxide emissionsSince 2009.

All kinds of pollutants can be found SourcesAutomobiles and space heaters.

It is 2.5 micrometers in size and smaller than PM2.5 particles. dangerousIt is more dangerous than other particulate matter because it can travel to the lungs, and then get into the bloodstream, causing respiratory and heart diseases.

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