Gov. was sued in a lawsuit by WildEarth Guardians, and the Center for Biological Diversity. Jared Polis administration claimed this week that it has taken too much time to review operating permits for Adams County polluters.
The lawsuit Filed WednesdayIn Adams County’s 17th Judicial District Court, the court targets the failure of the Air Pollution Control Division meet legally required deadlines to review and update pollution permits. Matthew Koehler (a spokesperson for WildEarth Guardians) said in a release.
The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing to downgrade the state’s air-quality status from serious to severely, for failing improve air quality. This would result in higher gas prices, and more businesses would need to apply for emissions permits as required by the federal Clean Air Act.
Jeremy Nichols (climate and Energy Program Director for WildEarth Guardians), stated in a statement that the Polis administration had effectively given the oil-and-gas industry a free pass.
Representatives of the governor did not immediately respond when we asked for comment.
This delay must be stopped for the health of Coloradans as well as Colorado communities, Nichols stated.
The lawsuit targets Wattenberg methane gas processing plants, the Sinclair Denver Products crude oil terminal and East Regional Landfill.
According to the lawsuit, all four facilities applied between 2007 and 2020 for updated operating permits. The Air Pollution Control Division took longer than the 18 month limit to either grant or deny the applications.
According to the release, the lawsuit seeks to establish deadlines for divisional decisions.
The release stated that if a source of pollution cannot operate in compliance to federal and state clean air laws, its operating permit must be denied.