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Environmental lawsuits engulf large downtown San Jose tech campus
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Environmental lawsuits engulf large downtown San Jose tech campus

Big downtown San Jose tech campus is tangled in environmental lawsuit

SAN JOSE A lawsuit has been filed against a group claiming that a massive campus in downtown San Jose would pose a threat to the environment. Court papers show.

According to documents filed with Santa Clara County Recorders Office, the Sierra Club sued San Jose. It claimed that the municipality violated its planning rules when it approved the tech campus located at 235 Woz Way, near Almaden Boulevard.

The lawsuit is holding up development of the project. It was proposed by Boston Properties. It would have 1.73 million square foot of office space, and 37,600 square foot of ground-floor retail.

According to city planning documents the development would include a pair of towers connected with a podium. It would rise over a 3.6-acre area.

A pair of towers would be featured in an office complex at 235 Woz Way, downtown San Jose. 

The curving office project would be located near the Guadalupe River banks, between the Childrens Discovery Museum and San Jose Convention Center.

According to court papers, the Sierra Club stated that the project would have a significant environmental impact. The 16-story tower would obstruct the Guadalupe River and riparian areas.

According to Chris Burton, San Joses planning Director, an August 2021 memo, officials in San Jose said that the river areas and open spaces adjacent to the project are not important habitats for wildlife.

Burton stated that this section of the Guadalupe River’s Guadalupe River is extremely fragmented and has very little undisturbed habitat because of the highly urbanized environment and human-related disturbances. The habitat value and influence of the riparian corridor that is adjacent to the project are extremely limited.

However, the Sierra Club claimed in the litigation, that the perils to the environment are real, and they are severe.

Concept for a downtown San Jose office building at 235 Woz Way, corner of Almaden Boulevard. 

The office campus will significantly reduce existing riparian habitat through both physical encroachment as well as shading. This is expected to cause long-term damage to the health and growth of plants, according the environmental group in court papers. Large glass towers built for the project could also cause collisions that could harm migrating and native birds.

According to the city officials, the tower would be constructed in a way that greatly reduces the risk of bird collisions with it.

Burton wrote in his staff report that this project is not subjected to the bird safety guidelines outlined in city council policies. The project site is south-facing on State Route 237. However, the project will include bird-safety design features at the buildings’ north, west, or south-facing facades.

Street-level view showing the proposed office complex for the site at 235 Woz Way, near Almaden Boulevard in downtown San Jose. Concept. 

The lawsuit was filed in October 2021. It raises the possibility of significant delays before construction can begin.

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