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Environmental review is still needed for mixed-use Southold project
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Environmental review is still needed for mixed-use Southold project

Mixed-use project in Southold still needs environmental review

The Southold Planning Board stated at a meeting last Monday that a site plan for a mixed use building along Route 25 in Southold still requires a state environmental quality assessment. 

Hard Corner Partners LLC proposes a two-story mixed-use building with a rear parking space that would face Route 25, at the corner of Wells Avenue and across from the Feather Hills complex. Planning Board members stated that the applicant has satisfied previous requests. They also requested input from the town engineer and a SEQRA determination.

The first floor would feature three retail units. One unit could be used as a restaurant, deli or bar, while the second floor would house three affordable apartments. Four single-family rentals for 55+ would be located further down Wells Avenue. Each of the four single-family rental units would measure 1,597 square feet and have their own wastewater treatment systems. 

The Suffolk County Department of Health Services must approve the wastewater permit. The parcel, which is 2.28 acres in size, is located in the Hamlet Business Zoning District.

The plan has been updated with a wider curb and more street trees along Main Road. The building would have bike racks at its back and a fire-hydrant and sidewalk along Wells Avenue.

Some members of the Planning Board expressed concern about traffic impacts, including the cumulative effect from all projects along Main Road. 

The state Department of Transportation sent a Dec. 7 email along with the site plan. It stated that it does not anticipate significant impacts so no modifications are necessary for the intersection of Wells Avenue, Main Road. The department did not mention that the applicant should apply in NYSDOT to work within state right-of-way; the sidewalk should be at least five feet wide; curb ramps and sidewalks should be ADA compliant and comply with DOT standards.

The site’s planning documents indicate that traffic safety was raised in the past by members of the Planning Board as well as the public. Other concerns expressed by the public at previous public hearings, as well as through letters and email to the town, include natural topography, water run-off and the loss of wildlife, and the degradation of community character.

A August letter addressed to the applicant stresses that only about two acres are being developed. The parcel lies in the heartland of the Hamlet Density/HALO Southold hamlet. The uses match town desires expressed through hamlet studies, the comprehensive plan, and the parcel will be complemented by a few small single-family homes. All of these homes will have backyards where bunnies and good trees can thrive.

The application will be presented to the Planning Board on March 28.

Robert Brown, an architect responsible for the project, told The Suffolk Times, “I think it would make a very positive contribution to the neighborhood.”

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