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Environmental voice guides recycling labeling policy push
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Environmental voice guides recycling labeling policy push

Oregon capitol building with trees in bloom.
Oregon capitol building with trees in bloom.

Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act was signed into law in August 2021, creating a 12-person task force to research and evaluate recyclability claims. | Yanqiang Dai/Shutterstock

Over the past several years, U.S. lawmakers have been developing policy to address concerns regarding ocean plastic for many years. Oregon’s key recycling labeling taskforce elected a vice-chair from an ocean environmental group.

Resource Recycling spoke to Anja Brandon (Ocean Conservancys U.S. Plastics Policy Analyst) to learn her thoughts about being a part of the Oregon Truth in Labeling taskforce. This group has a unique regulatory function.

Brandon said when the opportunity to be on the task force came up, she “just jumped on it.”

Anja Brandon

Anja Brandon

“It’s the perfect opportunity to really develop some best practices in this regard of recyclability and labeling, which is something we absolutely grapple with at the federal level,” she said. “It seemed like a great chance to help ensure an evidence-based approach using science and analytics.”

Brandon holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University in environmental engineering and science. She studied plastic waste management and created novel methods to break down common materials. She works at the Ocean Conservancy on plastic policy solutions at both the state and federal level. She was previously the AGU/AAAS Congressional Science Fellow, U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.

She said the fellowship allowed her to “dive deep into the issue from a policy perspective” and she “fell in love with combining science and policy for a strong evidence-based movement.”

The 12-person Task force is part of Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act, which was signed into law in August 2021. The task force’s role is to research and evaluate misleading or confusing claims regarding recyclability. It includes members of the Legislative Assembly and local governments.

Brandon is the only member of task force who represents an environmental advocacy group. She said she’s excited the task force chose her to be vice chair and “have environmental advocacy elevated in the task force.”

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