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EPA Grants More Than $3,000,000 to Small Businesses in the United States to Commercialize Environmental Technologies
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EPA Grants More Than $3,000,000 to Small Businesses in the United States to Commercialize Environmental Technologies

WASHINGTON– The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), announced today $3,599 571 in funding for nine small businesses that will help them develop and market technologies to protect the environment. The funded technologies address issues such PFAS destruction and monitoring, ethylene oxide monitoring and water reuse.

“I commend small businesses in our nation for being at the forefront to address these environmental problems.” Wayne Cascio, Acting Principal Deputy Administrator in EPAs Office of Research and Development. “This funding will allow these small companies to take the next step in developing their technologies, and bring them to market.”

These nine small businesses have been awarded Phase II funding from EPA’s Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR). The funding is up to $400,000 These companies previously received a Phase 1 contract worth $100,000 to develop innovative technologies for the environment. Now they are receiving a Phase II award to help commercialize and further develop the technology. These are the SBIR Phase II recipients for this year:

  • Aquagga, Inc. (Tacoma, Wash.)– Hydrothermal alkaline treatment to destroy PFAS in contaminated groundwater.
  • Hyperion Analytical LLC (Rancho Cucamonga, Calif.)– To automate the measurement of N-nitrosamines for water reuse applications, click here.
  • Nikira Labs (Mountain View, Calif.)– Next-generation environmental monitoring with a highly sensitive, real time, and selective ethylene dioxide analyzer.
  • OLIN (Philadelphia. Pa.) – This is a process that turns waste-stream glass into soil that can be used for horticultural or green infrastructure projects.
  • PKS Consulting, Inc. (Anchorage, Alaska)– To find a mobile recycling unit for plastic ocean waste that creates recycled plastic lumber products from local plastic ocean waste.
  • Pure Blue Tech Inc. (Seattle, Wash.)– To integrate anti-fouling membranes with polyvinylidenefluoride transducers to promote water reuse efficiency.
  • Quick-Med Technologies, Inc. (Gainsville, Fla.)– Long-term disinfectant coatings for bacteria and viruses on high touch surfaces.
  • Triangle Environmental Health Initiative, LLC, Durham, N.C.– To create a zero-waste system that maximizes the chemical energy potential of wastewater, and three valuable reuse streams.
  • Verdant Structural Engineers (Berkeley, Calif.)– For straw structural panels to improve energy efficiency and reduce embodied Carbon impacts in homes and buildings.

Learn more about the SBIR Phase II Winners:

To learn more about EPAs SBIR program, please visit:

Learn more about Federal SBIR Program

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