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Everyday tips for conserving the environment – Catholic Standard
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Everyday tips for conserving the environment – Catholic Standard

When it comes protecting the environment, many think reduce, use, recycle. There are many creative and useful everyday actions that can be taken to preserve the earth and ensure its fruitfulness for future generations.Laudato Si67). Here are some practical tips to preserve and care for our common home.

1.) 1.) Plant a Mary Garden

May is Mother Mary Month, which means it is the perfect month to plant a flower garden to honor Mother Mary. A garden can be a great way to help the environment. The creation of flower gardens attracts pollinators plants, which attract bees and butterflies to pollinate the world’s food sources. Vegetable gardens are a source of organic, sustainable produce. Gardening overall enriches soil, cleans the atmosphere, and makes good use of rainwater runoff. It also beautifies the planet and provides a space for prayer and peace.(See related story at page 26.

2.) 2.) Choose reusable shopping bags estimates that approximately 4 trillion plastic bags worldwide are used each year. To bring your grocery shopping to the next level, keep a reusable bag in your car.

3.) 5.) Go meatless Fridays

Fasting has been an integral part of Catholic faith life for centuries. Although many Catholics abstain meat on Fridays during Lent these days, it is worth considering making meatless Fridays a part the whole year. Fasting from meat can be a sacrifice that benefits the soul as well as the spiritual health. It may also help the environment by reducing greenhouse gasses. Learn more about sustainable protein options like fish at While you’re at it, pray to St. Andrew, the patron saint for fishermen.

4.) Enjoy your leftovers

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), food waste amounts to between 30 and 40% of the country’s food supply each year. Learn to love leftovers, and to be creative in making your meals last longer to reduce food waste.

5.) Composting is a great option

You can make use of the leftovers by composting at home. Composting, in addition to diverting food scraps from landfills and encouraging plant growth, filters rainwater and reduces greenhouse gasses, also helps enrich soil and promotes soil. There are many compost options and options that can be used to accommodate small, urban dwellings or those with smaller yards.

6.) Frequent your local Farmers Market

A local farmers market is a delicious way to support and preserve our natural world. Food can travel thousands of kilometres before reaching its destination. So shopping at local markets reduces transportation pollution. Farmers market produce is often packaged in a minimal way, which helps reduce trash and plastic bag use. Additionally, you support local farmers and artisans.

7.) 7.)

Hand washing dishes takes more than two gallons of water per minute. Instead, load dishes into a dishwasher if you can. It uses between 2 and 8 gallons per cycle. It saves time and is a less tedious chore!

8.) 8.)

Substitute natural cleaning products for chemical household cleaners. Chemical cleaning products can pose health risks due to toxic ingredients. They also have an impact on the environment because they are released into the air and water sources. You might consider switching to natural products or learning how to make your own cleaners with household ingredients such as baking soda, essential oils, and lemon juice.

9.) Shop secondhand

It’s a creative way of caring for the environment by shopping secondhand. According to the World Wildlife Fund, it takes more than 700 gallons to make a single cotton T shirt. Secondhand shopping helps keep items from going to landfills. It’s easier to find timeless, sustainable and unique thrifted pieces than to rely on the fast fashion industry, which is constantly changing with new trends.

10.) Before and after meals, say Grace

Always thank God for His creation and provision. This gratitude is a constant part of our lives. It makes it easy to say Grace before and after meals. It also helps us to be more aware of the Creator and how we are blessed by His blessings. Consider marking the Season of Creation, which is held every Sept. 1 through Oct. 4, with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation.

More actions ideas for individuals, families and parishes in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese Washingtons Laudato SI Action Plan are available.


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