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ExxonMobil Manchin presents “adjustments” to the spending plan in Overnight Energy & Environment
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ExxonMobil Manchin presents “adjustments” to the spending plan in Overnight Energy & Environment

Overnight Energy & Environment Senate panel backs drilling fee hike

Welcome to Tuesdays Night Energy & EnvironmentThe Hill is your source for the most recent news on energy, the environment, and beyond. Subscribe here:

Today we are continuing Senate discussions on energy provisions in reconciliation bill. DOEs attempt get communities to store nuclear waste, and push back over few climate mentions in administrations oil-and-gas report.

Rachel Frazin and Zack Budryk were the Hill’s editors. Send us tips to or Follow us on Twitter @RachelFrazin @BudrykZack.

Lets jump in.

Manchin’s eyes change to reconciliation bill

Sen. Joe ManchinJoe ManchinFilibuster-backers are Framer-wannabes Liberals disappointed after Biden’s first year Sunday shows preview: COVID-19 cases surge amid omicron wave MORE(D-W.Va.), said Tuesday that he is currently working on adjustments to energy policy. President BidenJoe BidenSenate confirms 40 judges in Biden’s first year of office, the most since Reagan SNL removed live audiences, loses musical guest for Saturday, as omicron spreads Liberals disappointed in Biden’s first year MORESenate Democrats haggle over legislation relating to climate and social spending

Manchin, a key vote in the spending bill, met Tuesday with Senate Majority leader Charles SchumerChuck SchumerSenate confirms 42 judges in Biden’s first year as president, the most since Reagan Cruz. It was part of a deal to nominate Biden nominees. Senate wraps for the year. Punting Build Back better, voting rights.(D-N.Y.), to discuss the legislation, which Manchin isn’t yet committed to supporting.

We mostly discussed the different energy stuff. We can agree on many things if we look at them all. [on]Manchin stated that adjustments are needed and suggested they be made after the meeting.

When Manchin was asked if he and Schumer were in agreement about the changes that needed to be made, he replied, “We are working on those.”

Manchin declined to discuss specific policies that he and Schumer discussed during their meeting, which lasted approximately 45 minutes.

Manchin raised concerns about a bill that would include a methane emission tax and a larger credit for union-made electric vehicles. Manchin’s opposition to Democrats has already led to the elimination of a problem that was meant to encourage a transition towards clean electricity.

Manchin replied that they discussed a lot of things when Manchin was asked if these two topics were ever discussed.


Charles Schumer, the Senate Majority Leader (D-N.Y.), plans to bring President Biden’s climate and social spending bill to the floor as soon the week of December 13, according to a source who was familiar with the matter.

Schumer’s plan to bring the bill (Build Back Better) to the Senate floor when Democrats have finished their discussions with the parliamentarian. He provides guidance on what should be included in a bill passing through budget reconciliation.

Schumer stated to reporters at a Tuesday press conference that the Senate would take up the legislation “as soon as the necessary technical work and procedural work has been completed with the Senate parliamentarian.”

Schumer stated that once the process is complete, we are ready to move Build Back Better up the floor.” Schumer also spoke about the talks with the parliamentarian.

According to a source, Schumer was telling people privately that the bill could be brought before the floor as soon the week of December 13. This is under the presumption the talks with the parliamentarian consume this week and next.

Learn more Here is the potential timeline.


Carbon capture and storage One way to reduce emissions.

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Feds look for places to store nuclear material

The Department of Energy is seeking communities that will volunteer to store nuclear waste.

Kathryn Huff, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Nuclear Energy, announced Tuesday that the U.S. would seek information about potential locations for consent-based sitting of waste depositories.

Huff said Tuesday that future generations cannot afford to delay this challenge. He also noted that spent nuclear fuel was currently stored at reactor sites. However, Huff did not agree to long term storage.

Huff was asked if the department was concerned that there wasn’t enough support in the community to host such a site. He replied that the process would engage as many communities possible to maximize our chances to find a community willing to accept this responsibility.

She said that ultimately, we are optimistic and hopeful. She also cited the success of consent-based processes in other countries.

Background:Yucca Mountain was the only place where nuclear waste was stored until 2010. Since then, however, the federal government has mostly handled the waste individually. The Government Accountability Office urged Congress to address these issues and amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act in September to allow the department create a new siting process.

Learn more about the new push by clicking here

Drilling report gets scrutiny

A new report from the Interior Department recommends changes to the federal oil-and-gas leasing program. However, it leaves out one major question: How to account for climate change.

Already, the Biden administration has indicated that it may make drillers responsible for climate damage from fossil fuel extraction. However, the current report raises questions about when and how such a policy will be announced. It says that the department will continue to examine the issue.

Many climate activists are not happy with this.

This is not a complete analysis. It’s a huge missed opportunity, Sara Cawley (a legislative representative at Earthjustice) said, referring specifically to the lack of mentions of climate change in the reports.

Although the report suggested that climate costs could be considered in the future, it did not provide any specific mechanisms.

So what was it saying exactly?It stated that the Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Ocean Energy Management will continue to examine the best method to revise royalty rates and other fiscal terms in order to monetarily cover the costs of carbon dioxide and methane.

Three of the most significant country’s greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Each type of emission is caused by fossil fuels.

The language surrounding this study is less solid than the recommendations made in the report. These explicitly stated that the BLM should initiate a ruling for higher onshore royalties as well as increased rental rates.

So why is it so important to some advocates?Randi Spivak, director for the Center for Biological Diversitys public lands, stated that she believes climate costs could be used as a deterrent to oil and gas production, something she believes is lacking in the current recommendations.

If the cost of production is truely reflective of society’s cost, then it would discourage production. She said that there are some positive benefits to this: disallowing leases and production because that’s what the climate requires.

What does the department have?Tyler Cherry, spokesperson for the Interior Department, wrote to The Hill that the Department is continuing to analyze the effects of greenhouse gases emissions and will be included in its planning and reviews as it moves ahead with leasing.

Learn more about the situation.


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Finally, something a little offbeat and unorthodox: Everybody I know is sharing the reproducing robot story.

This is it for today. Thanks for reading. Check out The Hills Energy & Environment pageFor the most recent news and coverage. We look forward to seeing you Wednesday.

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