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Five ways Arnold teenage sisters can save the planet and make a big difference.
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Five ways Arnold teenage sisters can save the planet and make a big difference.

Arnold has spoken out to five ways that people can reduce the amount they use of plastic to help the environment.

The award-winning charity Kids Against Plastic was founded by Ella Meek (16 years old) and Amy Meek (18 years old).

They were also honored at the Pride of Britain awards in Nov as Environmental Champions.

While our focus is on plastic, there are many environmental issues that we interview so if you reduce your plastic use, you’re saving the environment in more ways than one,” Ella said. Amy is currently in school, while Ella is still in school.

It is much easier to be aware of what plastic you are using than to just cut it out. Small steps can make a big difference. It’s easy for people to get overwhelmed by the issues of plastic pollution and climate changes. But, doing something is better that doing nothing. This is why we encourage people to take small steps.

The ScottishPower’s COP26 Green Power List includes Kids Against Plastic.

In their fight against climate changes, the sisters have collected over 97,000 single-use plastics since 2016.

The five steps the sisters want people to take are to switch plastics for reusable material (such as a reusable coffee pot), to look at each room and see what can be substituted (like switching from a plastic toothbrush with a bamboo one), to raise awareness (like retweeting a post or sharing it on Twitter), and to do your research. It is about being conscious and not cutting down on plastic.

Amy said that these initiatives were created for schools, cafes, and businesses.

“Consumer behavior can transform the way businesses think. We’ve seen a significant shift in that area since we started.

“The scale of plastic pollution is much greater than people think. A truck’s worth of plastic is dumped into the ocean every minute, which is alarming. Micro-plastics are also found in everyday items like tap water and food.

In 2018, it was announced that schools were being urged to stop using single-use plastic items and consider environmentally-friendly alternatives by 2022.

Amy said that judging people who don’t care about plastic is not what their activism is about.

The new book, Be Climate Clever, will be published by DK publishers in April. It is aimed at children and will be available for purchase under the DK publisher banner. Interviews with climate activists like Dominique Palmer are part of the book.

The girls also visit schools to encourage education and reduce plastic use. For more information, click here:

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