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Fletcher Harper 85 is Building an Environmental Movement on Faith
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Fletcher Harper 85 is Building an Environmental Movement on Faith

Fletcher Harper 85 Is Building an Environmental Movement on Faith

Courtesy Fletcher Harper 85

Spirituality cannot be lived without a close and intimate relationship with the Earth.

Lynn Townsend White Jr., a Princeton historian, argued that modern man’s environmental woes were due to Judeo-Christian teachings in 1967, at the time of the birth of the modern environment movement. White pointed out that, contrary to other religious texts White observed that the Old Testament creates a fundamental difference between God-fearing people and the soulless nature, an anthropocentric framework, which has allowed the destructive exploitation our planet.

Fletcher Harper 85, an Episcopal priest, sees in the Bible the seeds for an environmental text. Harper, an Episcopal priest, is at the forefront in a growing interfaith environmental movement, which includes leaders such Pope Francis (whose 2015 encyclical was). Laudato Si calls for swift and unified global action to address ecological destruction and climate change.

Harper writes in his 2015 book that there is no spiritual life without involving, does not begin, intimately, and inescapably with the Earth. Greenfaith. No faith, no Earth.

Harper is the executive Director of an interfaith coalition with the same name. GreenfaithThe group seeks to mobilize religious communities for environmental causes. The group was able to organize 20,000 faith-based people to participate in the 2015 Global Climate March that took place the day before the opening ceremony of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Paris.

Harper’s environmentalism is rooted firmly in Christian humanitarianism. Harper believes that caring for the Earth is essential in a world where humankind has the ability to disrupt the natural world’s functioning.

Harper says that Jesus taught that you must look out for the most vulnerable people if you want God to be your friend. We have seen that the most vulnerable communities are those that have done the least damage to nature. They are the ones most affected by environmental degradation. It is our responsibility to ensure that everyone has access to clean air and clean water.

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Harper argues that nature is sacred beyond its utilitarian value to humans. God is present in nature. Harper believes that he felt God when he was grieving the death of his father on a solo camping trip to Montana. Harper sought refuge in the rock’s lee when a hailstorm struck. 

He recalls feeling a deep sense if well-being around three in the afternoon. I realized that I was going be OK. I thought, I can just move on with my lives now.

Before you start writing Greenfaith, Harper interviewed hundreds of people from many religious and non-religious backgrounds. He found that almost all could recall an outdoor experience that they considered spiritual or sublime.

Harper states that nature awakens in us a sense both of wonder and awe at life’s mysteries. A sense gratitude and appreciation. Sometimes, a sense or fear can lead to a healthy recognition of the fact that you are not the center.

Harper says that some fundamentalist Christians believe that the destruction of the planet is part of God’s plan. His movement may not be capable to convince them otherwise. Harper aims to reach large numbers of people who believe in God but aren’t active on the issue. 

He says that they need to get out of the pews and onto the streets and into the voting booths.

Harper also pressed Princeton to get rid of its fossil fuel endowment; he is involved with the Divest Princeton organization.

Harper says Princeton must do it. These statements from culturally powerful institutions are important. It’s part of the cultural mindset shift that says, “We need to change our course in big ways.”

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