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GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment
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GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment

GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment
GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment

Plastic materials are a common part of our daily lives and provide many comforts. Nearly 10 million people are employed directly or indirectly. Plastics are used by many industries including agriculture, textiles (pharmaceuticals), automotive, infrastructure, electronics, and agriculture. Unsustainable plastic use has caused a lot of problems and requires scientific management of waste collection, recycling, and disposal. Many entrepreneurs and startups stepped forward to take on this challenge and support Local Bodies (ULBs).

Mr. Sachin SharmaHis colleagues formed GEM Enviro ManagementIt facilitates the recycling of all types packaging waste. The company was founded in 2013. It began collecting plastic waste and recycling it on an Indian basis. It also provides end-to-end solutions for managing waste for clients.

Also, read: Shri Bansidhar Bhagat Cabinet minister Uttarakhand explains how government policies are now focusing on plastic waste management.

GEM Enviro Management Pvt. Ltd. Waste Management Agency (WMA)Its headquarters are based in Delhi. Under the direction and leadership of Mr. Sachin, the company is now running successfully. The company offers WMA/PRO, which facilitates the collection of all types of plastic waste, including PET, H.D.P.E. and L.D.P.E. for recycling and then marketing/promotion/selling of the recycled merchandise made from plastic wastes. It creates a safer and greener environment for future generations. Ganesha Ecosphere Limited, India’s largest PET recycling company, is backing GEM Enviro. This company has a turnover of USD 100 millions and is responsible for PET waste recycling, marketing and branding.

GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment

They are committed to making people aware of the importance of this goal. Sustainability and recyclingAwareness activities can be organized in schools, colleges and offices. GEM Enviro is a recycler and has installed more than 25 machines at various locations throughout the country. They are an active member in Industry organizations, producers and manufacturers of plastic packaging. PACE (PET Packaging Association for Clean Environment)..

Mr. Sachin claimed that every household has an average of 20 bottles per month. A 500-flat society will produce 10,000 bottles. Consumers can win incentives and freebies by using reverse vending machines.

GEM generates revenue by selling packaging scrap to recyclers, and selling recycled merchandise to corporate entities. Ganesh Ecosphere is the platform’s partner. There, it sells PET waste and gets a certain amount of margin. GEM buys the PET waste and produces T-shirts and caps. The prices range from Rs 250 to Rs 700.

Sachin Sharma, Director at GEM Recycling, India’s largest PET recycling company, stated that the Indian recycle industry employs approximately 10 million people directly or indirectly. The high recycling prices of plastic, particularly PET bottles, make it one of the best sources of income for many people involved in the industry, from ragpickers to recyclers. We must collectively address the real problem of littering and ineffective waste disposal systems that are destroying the environment. We see Reverse Vending Machine (RVM).As the right solution to post-consumer PET bottles collection and responsible recycling, We can implement the right system by combining the efforts of everyone in the value chain and a holistic approach.


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GEM Enviro Fights for a Greener & Safer environment


GEM is a Waste Management Agency, (WMA) that specializes in the collection, aggregation, and recycling all types of packaging waste. This contributes to a cleaner and more sustainable environment.


TPT News Bureau

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