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Ghostwire Tokyo Developer Talks about Game Environment
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Ghostwire Tokyo Developer Talks about Game Environment

ghostwire tokyo ps5 release

Masato Kimura speaks out about the structure of the game environment

Ghostwire Tokyo is a highly anticipated title. With its horror elements taken from Japanese folklore, and ability to use very cool combat, it’s little wonder that people are excited for the game’s release. It will be released on March 25, 2022. The anticipation is growing.

ghostwire tokyo ps5 release

It’s even more fun to hear what the developers have to say about Ghostwire. EDGEGhostwire Tokyo’s development manager Masato Kmura spoke to the magazine recently. He highlighted the game’s goals and explained how it was possible. Kimura was quick to point out what made the game’s environment make it all the better, in his eyes.

The game is using basically all the cool elements of Tokyo we’ve kind of condensed them all and grouped them into a sandbox that would fit inside our game. There’s a lot of different parts of Tokyo that are connected together in a really cool way. It’s a very high contrast. What’s new and what’s old it’s all kind of blended but not really mixed together. They’re side by side.

That smooth exploration that we’re able to do within this pretty large map is something that’s only possible because of the SSD and the memory and the computational powers of the PlayStation 5, and we’re very appreciative of that.


Kimura also pointed out in another interview that using the DualSense controller makes this experience even more interactive. He also spoke about the combat abilities players will have.

With the DualSense controller, you’ll be able to feel the energy build up when you’re tugging at the core and the release when you crush it. We don’t see that in other games that sense that you’re tracing these actions through hand gestures.

There are three types you can use for ether elemental shots. One is wind and it acts like a handgun where you shoot multiple shots, and there’s water, which has a wider range, so gamers will understand it as more of a shotgun-type weapon. Then fire creates explosions, similar to a rocket launcher.

Rocket launcher-like explosions Sign us up. Ghostwire: Tokyo sounds so far like (pardon my pun) a blast.


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