NEW YORK, NY (CNN) — There is still a huge gender gap in the fields of science and engineering, but an inspiring group of young women is defying that trend and learning how to protect the environment.
The girls turned Harlem’s park into their science lab. They used sticks, dirt, and grass to create a functional water filter. Sophie Ba, 11 years old, from Democracy Prep Harlem Middle School, calls her experiment a success. I think thats really essential cause like, lets say I was stuck somewhere and the water was really polluted, I could use it to make cleaner water,” she says.
The program is called “Green Girls,” and was created by the City Parks Foundation. The young women meet weekly to learn about the environment, and how to protect it. For these city-dwellers, it’s also an opportunity to search for climate solutions in nature. “I think its important because we can have, like, clean air, clean water, save some of the plants, because some of the plants provide us with what we need, like crops and stuff,” says student Jayla Polite.
Women account for less than 28% in science, tech, engineering, math jobs. Mayra Sanchez, Program Manager says that with the right encouragement this could change. There is already a stigma against young girls in school. Being able answer questions, voice concerns and speak up about things is something that is often discouraged. It allows them to build their voice, be surrounded by other young women their age, but also be able to facilitate that ability through being inquisitive,” says Sanchez.
The Green Girls program has been thriving in New York City for the past 20 year. Now they’re sharing what they’ve learned and how to teach it with educators across the country.
The entire Green Girls Curriculum can be found here Click here