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Guest opinion: We need to hear your opinion in order to create a healthy environment for the future generations
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Guest opinion: We need to hear your opinion in order to create a healthy environment for the future generations

Guest opinion: We need your voice to secure a healthy environment for future generations

The past year has been difficult for many of us. A deeply polarized America faced new waves of pandemics, and global threats increased. Alarmingly, we saw greenhouse gas emissions increase in 2021 at almost the same pace as in 2020. Scientific consensus stressed the importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions over the next ten year. Without urgent action on climate change, whole ecosystems could become extinct. Communities will be destroyed by wildfires and floods. Climate action has been put on hold by the terrible war in Ukraine.

The Wasatch Back chapter, Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL), has worked tirelessly to raise awareness about climate change, find solutions, and engage more deeply in our community and with our elected leaders. Our actions have been encouraging.

Last September, Congressman Blake Moore spoke at a town hall and expressed his willingness to talk about climate change and find solutions. His district liaison joined us for hikes and discussions about market-based solutions to climate changes. The House Republicans Climate Caucus was established by John Curtis last summer. Just this month, Senator Mitt Romm endorsed a carbon dividend and fee, which are revenue-neutral ways to incorporate the cost of pollution into the effects of our environment on all of us.

Utah’s congressional delegation demonstrated remarkable leadership in climate change advocacy in 2021. This is a testament to their desire and local advocacy on climate. Utahns of all political stripes joined Citizens Climate Lobby and other similar organizations to help build relationships, engage respectful dialogue, and collaborate on solving the most urgent global threat we face.

We have made many connections that have led to opportunities: In 2021, Wasatch Back CCL held town halls alongside Mike Kohler and Kera Birkeland, Midway Mayor Celeste Johnson, and Ben Abbott, a BYU environmental science professor. We organized a climate debate in Park City for the mayoral and City Council candidates. This debate attracted a larger audience that any other city elections. We were thrilled to see that all candidates offered thoughtful solutions to improve Park City’s leadership in climate.

Our members visited Utah’s coal country to discuss the economic difficulties they face as the income from fossil fuels falls. We visited Price, a town that was once centered on coal mining and a coal fired power plant. Mayor Mike Kourianos spoke to us about our common concerns about global warming. We discussed how we can be good neighbours to support the diversification and growth of Prices’ economy, while they look for ways to develop renewable energy, tourism, and other alternatives to fossil fuel production.

Sometimes, progress seems painfully slow. Congress has not yet passed legislation that adequately addresses our challenges. The urgency of the Ukraine crisis has forced all our climate actions to halt. There is hope for climate action because of the increasing participation from all political parties in Utah and around world in the climate debate. Talking about the solutions is the best way to save humanity and prevent the worst effects of climate changes.

We are motivated by the successes we made through advocacy, the relationships we built, the initiatives we led, and the relationships we established with neighbors and leaders. Our chapter has blossomed just as our impact has grown. But we need more people to join. We need your support to ensure that the next generation has a healthy environment and clean air, regardless of where you stand on the political spectrum. Join us at [email protected]To shine new rays for climate action in the year 2022.

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