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Gulf Breeze is ready to transform DEP fines in environmental enhancements
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Gulf Breeze is ready to transform DEP fines in environmental enhancements

South Santa Rosa resident Casey Paw shows off a filter clogged with dried toilet paper he removed from the drinking water supply line on Friday, Oct. 22, 2021. As many as 300 residents on Soundside Drive in Gulf Breeze had sewage-contaminated water pumped into their homes after a contactor mistakenly connected a sewer line into a water main for the area.

Gulf Breeze made a wise decision by choosing an in-kind environmental project as a response to the state environmental penalties last year. Violations of the Clean Water Act. This move will be a positive for the environment as well as the local residents.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection found multiple people to be at fault for the water connection error that allowed toilet paper, sewage, and other waste to flow into the Gulf Breeze faucets last year. Alex Miller, PNJ’s reporter, reported that Brown Construction was given $2 million in penalties while Midway Water System was handed $220,000 in fines.Gulf Breeze was punished $1 million and given the chance to complete an environmental enhancement or improvement program that would be valued at $1.5million.

South Santa Rosa resident Casey Paw shows off a filter clogged with dried toilet paper he removed from the drinking water supply line on Friday, Oct. 22, 2021. As many as 300 residents on Soundside Drive in Gulf Breeze had sewage-contaminated water pumped into their homes after a contactor mistakenly connected a sewer line into a water main for the area.

Gulf Breeze city council members chose to accept the $1.5million project as an admissionofthecity’s accountability in the sewer debacle. While simultaneously achieving something positive that can have long-term advantages for the community, it was right.

The DEP deserves praise for taking a firm but fair stand against the negligence that led to sewage mixing with bath water and drinking water. Nobody wants to see public and private businesses punished so harshly that the greater good for the community is compromised. In-kind environmental enhancement is a smart option that ultimately serves the DEP’s mission better and the greater good of the community.

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