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Heavy Snow Possible Midweek. Environment Canada
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Heavy Snow Possible Midweek. Environment Canada

New Brunswick could see some messy weather during the week.

Environment Canada issued a Special weather statementFor the province on Monday morning.

Forecasters predict more than 15 cm of snow starting Wednesday afternoon.

“Current indications are that areas of central and northern New Brunswick are most at risk to receive the highest amounts of snowfall with this storm system, whereas southern regions will likely experience a quick changeover from snow to rain,” said the statement.

Precipitation will end in the province on Wednesday night or Thursday morning.

Motorists are being advised to prepare for potentially dangerous winter driving conditions, and to adjust their travel plans accordingly.

On Christmas Eve, the skies are expected to be clear across the province. Friday’s highs range from -7C through -11C. Overnight lows are between -10C to -14C.

On Christmas Day, scattered flurries can be possible with temperatures between -3C to -6C.

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