Agriculture has a significant role in the domestication human civilisation. This has resulted in the world we know today. But, the practice that transformed people has seen drastic changes over the years.
Industrial farming has become a dominant sector for the sake of development, and mass production. Industrial farming is a widespread form of agriculture that may have met our needs but did not foster the necessity. A need for a healthy, sustainable environment.
Industrial farming has been rapidly degrading the ecosystem and the task to heal the damage done by the environment is becoming more difficult. Here are the impacts of industrial agriculture on the environment.
Loathing Lands
Monoculture is a popular practice in industrial farming. Monoculture, also known as monocropping, refers to the use of vast lands to grow one crop, usually wheat or corn. This type of farming is extremely unnatural and not sustainable. This can lead to soil degradation, which lowers the ability of the land to grow.
Pesticide Problem
When it comes to farming, chemicals are used in large quantities. Although pesticides are used to protect crops, they can also make them toxic and further damage the crops. These toxic chemicals are then transmitted to our bodies by direct or indirect ingestion.
Animal Abuse
In industrial agriculture, animals are often abused beyond repair. Animals are kept in unhygienic conditions to make it difficult for them to live healthy lives. Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation, (CAFO) is an example of agricultural farming that contributes in animal abuse. CAFOs are one way that animals can see the worst of industrial farming.
Doom and disease
Industrial agriculture is a major threat for human health. This is because poultry and cattle are living in extremely poor conditions. They also use more chemicals to grow their crops. One could easily draw the conclusion that industrial agriculture is a source of zoonotic illnesses in many cases. These places are a conduit for virus transfer from animals to people.
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