Greater Lansing residents are working hard to clear the snow and are eager for warmer weather. Many local organizations offer opportunities to get outside for a cause, with Earth Day just around the corner.
Here are a few ways you can celebrate and protect the Earth through service in Greater Lansingthis Month:
‘Extravaganza Weekends’ at Fenner
Each weekend in April Lansing’sFenner nature center will host service weekends to clean up trails and protect land. Instructions and supplies will also be provided. Clean-ups will take places from 9 a.m. to three p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.

These are the highlights of each weekend:
- April 9-10: Clipping and chipping
- April 16-17, Invasive plants removal
- April 23-24: Clean up in and around buildings
Visit the event’s website to learn more
River cleaning with Lansing Earth Project
The Lansing Earth Project hosts an event at Rotary Park in Downtown Lansing, Saturday April 23. This event will collect litter from the park and along river trails. If the river is safe to kayak on, participants will be able to use a limited number kayaks to clean the banks of river. You will receive trash bags, gloves, and trash picker tools.

This event is also being hosted in conjunction with the Friend of the Lansing Regional Trails, and the Middle Grand River Organization of Watersheds. More information can found at
Potter Park Zoo – “Party for the Planet”
Potter Park Zoo will host a “Party for the Planet” on Saturday, April 23rd as part of the largest Earth Day celebrations in North America. Through hands-on activities, the zoo will offer ways to learn more about conservation issues. The event will take place from noon to 4 pm. Learn more
Friedland Industries celebrates ‘Document Destruction month’
A $5 donation to the Davies Project will allow you to shred confidential documents at Friedland Industries. The project provides transport for children with serious illnesses and pregnant women to get essential healthcare.
This event takes places every Wednesday in the month of April, from 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. in Old Town. Customers are not allowed to view items being shrunk in the facility. This event is only for drop-off.
Visit to register for the event and learn more.
The Capital City Clean Sweep
Downtown Lansing Inc. hosts the 14th Annual Capital City Clean Sweep, which will take place on Sunday April 24, from 10 a.m. – 12 p.m. in downtown Lansing. Anyone can volunteer to clean up the city. Participants will be assigned to different blocks in downtown.
DLI requests that participants bring their own gloves and clippers. All volunteers will be invited to an outdoor block party after the clean-up. Sign up to volunteer SignUp.comVisit our website. DowntownLansing.orgTo learn more.
Bonus: Arbor Day at Potter Park Zoo
On Friday, April 29, Potter Park Zoo will also host an Arbor Day celebration. The 150th anniversary of National Arbor Day will be celebrated at the zoo by engaging in educational activities. The education program includes information about the different trees and animals that live in them as well as a chance to pledge to help preserve them.

Visit to learn
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Sophia Lada works as a news assistant for the Lansing State Journal. Contact [email protected] 517.377.1065. Follow heron Twitter @sophia_lada