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How Data Scientists Can Save the World From Environmental Collapse
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How Data Scientists Can Save the World From Environmental Collapse

Data Scientists

by Madhurjya Chowdhury

May 2, 2022

Data Scientists

People use big data and AI to aid in research and uncover new insights.

Data science is one the most powerful tools we have for identifying and analysing complex problems, finding solutions, monitoring progress, and monitoring it. Every day, big data and AI are used to aid in research, provide insight for businesses and society, and address some our most challenging problems like maintaining a healthy planet. While technology isn’t the sole solution to the problem, data science and artificial intelligence are assisting in the advancement of massive environmental projects ranging from climate monitoring to animal conservation and connecting people with the environment. Here are three ways Data Science is helping the environment.


#1. #1.

To begin, a “digital twin” is a virtual copy, in this case, of Earth’s land, water, air, and life. The European Union is heading the “Destination Earth” endeavor to imitate natural and human activity and help analyze the planet’s health.

The planetary-scale digital model will collect continuous, real-time data and give very accurate forecasts for severe weather events and natural disasters (such as fires, storms, droughts, and floods), climate science, and the Earth’s resources.

Destination Earth, also known as DestinE, will be gradually introduced over the next 710 years. This tool is intended to provide scientists, policymakers, and other users with a tool to help them evaluate possible scenarios and better support sustainable development.


#2: NASA’s Accelerating Scientific Research

NASA’s data collections are “increasing at a geometric rate, including an estimated 100 petabytes of Earth science imaging alone.” (A petabyte is equal to one million gigabytes.)

NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS), combines AI and Machine Learning with high performance processing to make sense. The goal is to speed up scientific research and allow experts to analyze and visualize data.

NASA-funded engineers and scientists are working to accelerate initiatives such as landslide detection, surface moisture sensing for reservoir management and habitat viability prediction.


#3: Using AI in Ocean Cleanup

Microsoft offers access to AI and ML technology to scientists and researchers through its AI for Earth program. AI for Earth was founded in 2017 and provides funds for projects that address climate change.

Ocean Cleanup is an example of such an initiative. This initiative aims to eliminate marine plastics that harm seabirds and sea turtles, whales and fish, as well as contributing to a host of other problems.

Ocean Cleanup uses AI in order to automate the tedious task. This includes identifying debris in hundreds and thousands of photos. The project’s goal is to combine the identification system with an automated collection mechanism that can eventually collect plastic for disposal.


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