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How does the COVID-19 pandemic impact on work environments
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How does the COVID-19 pandemic impact on work environments

30 January 2022 14.00 (UTC+04.00)


By Ayya Lmahamad

COVID-19 has been spreading around the globe since late 2019, with infected numbers in the tens to millions and deaths in excess of a thousand.

The widespread implementation of policies and lockdowns was necessary to prevent the spread the coronavirus infection.

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, both businesses and employees were forced into a home-based work environment.

As a result, millions of people around world have found that working from home is the new way to live.

Benefits and drawbacks

Many people reported a better work-life balance after the pandemic and the transition into the home office. Remote workers were able prioritize their important life areas. Employees have more freedom to work when they want, as they don’t have the burden of getting up every morning, commuting to work, stopping for coffee and breakfast, or doing other chores.

Remote working also allows people to spend less time on their roads, which can save money as they don’t have gas for their cars.

Many remote workers reported a stable or higher level of productivity than working in an office. Remote workers are able to avoid many of the factors that can lead to stress and tardiness.

While many people report many benefits to working from home for their work, some also report disadvantages.

Although a better balance between work and life can be beneficial at times, many people find that the opposite is true. They begin to notice how work is becoming more intrusive in their personal lives, making it increasingly difficult to distinguish between work life and personal life.

There are many distractions at home that can distract employees from their work. Remote work can cause loneliness and isolation, especially if you are living alone.

Despite this, many studies have shown that over half of people would rather continue to work from home, even after the pandemic.

Azerbaijan’s experience

The experience of Azerbaijan with remote work was not unique. Azerbaijan declared a national lockdown after the March 2020 outbreak of coronavirus. Nearly all of the country’s institutions and businesses have moved to remote work environments.

Azerbaijan later implemented the system for issuing movement permits, which was effective on April 5, 2020. Citizens were not allowed to leave their home unless they obtained SMS permissions.

In order to obtain a work permit, the state and private legal entities required that data be entered on volunteers and employees into a special portal. [the right to work from the office].

Azerconnect, a company that operates in the fields information, communication and high technology, launched the “FLEXcellence” program last year in Azerbaijan. This program provides remote management of large teams with effective remote work.

Employees can work remotely thanks to the program’s ability to manage their workplace and work time. This allows them to be more productive without compromising the productivity of certain work activities. It allows the company’s activities to be optimized by using innovative solutions that are based on international experience. It also provides safer working conditions for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic.

Azerbaijan is currently looking into legalizing distance work. This was discussed earlier in the month at a meeting of members of American Chamber of Commerce and the Labour and Social Security Ministry.

Remote work is permitted by the new Labour Code amendment bill. The draft law proposes to include additional working conditions in employment agreements through mutual agreement between the parties.

Ayya Lmahamad is AzerNews’ staff journalist, follow her on Twitter: @AyyaLmahamad

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