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How Redlining Contributed To Air Pollution Across America
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How Redlining Contributed To Air Pollution Across America

Eight decades later, urban neighborhoods that were redlined in 1930s by federal officials had higher levels of harmful pollution. new studyThe evidence adds to a body that shows how racism has contributed to inequalities today in the United States.

The federal government used maps to mark areas that were considered risky to lend in the wake of the Great Depression. 1968 saw the end to racial discrimination. However, the redlining maps enshrined discriminatory practices that continue to be a problem nearly a century later.

Today, historically redlined areas are more likely have high population. Residents of Asian, Latino, and Black communitiesAreas that were favorablely rated at the time.

California’s East Bay is a good example.

Redlined neighborhoods in Berkeley and Oakland are located on lower-lying areas, near industry and bounded by major highways. The levels of nitrogen dioxide in these areas are twice that of the areas federal surveyors determined to be the best or most favorable for investment in the 1930s, according the new pollution study.

Margaret Gordon has decades of experience in dealing with these inequalities within West Oakland, a historically poor neighborhood. Many children in West Oakland suffer from these inequalities. Asthmarelated to industrial pollution and traffic. Residents have struggled for years to stop development projects that make the air worse.

These people don’t have the voting power, the elected officials or the money to hire lawyers to fight this, stated Ms. Gordon, codirector of the West Oakland Environmental Indicators Project advocacy group.

Haley M. Lane, the study’s lead author, stated that she was surprised at the difference in air pollution exposure between redlined districts and better-rated ones. This is in contrast to the well-documented disparities between exposure among white Americans and people of color.

However, there are many other factors that can cause these disparities. Ms. Lane, a graduate candidate in civil and environmental engineering at University of California, Berkeley, stated that redlining is just one example.

Since the digitalization of the Bible, researchers have discovered patterns of all sorts. A large selection redlining maps2016

With Less green spaceBecause there are more paved surfaces to absorb heat and radiate it, historically redlined areas are on average 5 degrees hotter than other areas in the summer. A 2019 StudyIn eight California cities, it was found that residents in redlined neighborhoods were twice likely to visit an emergency room for asthma.

The most recent study, published in Environmental Science & Technology Letters on Wednesday, examined neighborhoods in 202 cities to determine their exposure to two harmful pollutants to human health: nitrogen dioxide, a toxic gas that is associated with vehicle exhaust, industrial facilities, and other sources; as well as dangerous microscopic particles called PM 2.5. The United States Environmental Protection Agency funded part of the study.

Joshua S. Apte was an assistant professor in civil and environmental engineering at Berkeley. He said that he assumed that the differences between neighborhoods would become more obvious in certain areas, such as the South. He and his colleagues discovered patterns that were consistent across the country.

Dr. Apte stated that this history of racist planning is deeply ingrained in American cities of all stripes. We went searching for this regional story, but it was not there.

In 1930s England, the government hired surveyors to assign each neighborhood one out of four letter grades. This ranged from most desirable to least. The study showed that D neighborhoods, which are the least desirable, were more exposed to dirt air decades later. Additionally, more residents live near highways and railroads.

This is partly due to the fact that some areas graded C and D in 1930s were already home to heavy industry, as well as other sources of pollution. Over time, the lack of investment in these areas made them attractive for new polluting initiatives, such as interstate highways.

The study does not include information on pollution and demographics from before 2010. The researchers stated that information from the 2020 census was still being gathered when they started their analysis. They then reran the analysis using 2015 pollution data to find consistent trends.

Overall, air pollution has droppedThe United States has been experiencing a decline in its population since 2010, however, other research suggests otherwise. Racial and income disparitiesIn exposure have persisted.

According to Rachel Morello-Frosch (an environmental health scientist at Berkeley), the racial makeup in some cities has changed over the past decade due to gentrification and other factors. More research is needed to determine how this affected pollution inequality.

Because of how rapidly some cities have grown over the past 30 years, the redlining maps only cover a small portion of the city’s current population. It is not difficult to spot the differences in Americans’ exposures to air pollution in these cities.

Leticia Gutierrez is the director of government relations and community outreach at Air Alliance Houston. She said concrete plants are often built in minority neighborhoods because developers believe they are less likely to object.

Some residents are unable to participate in public hearings because of language barriers. Ms. Gutierrez stated that state authorities have only recently begun publishing more information on Spanish and Vietnamese.

Ms. Gutierrez takes her children to the park when she is feeling adventurous. She travels across town from her East Side Houston home, which is heavily Hispanic.

She said that it just feels like every time you want to go outside or have a picnic, especially on a beautiful day. It just doesnt smell right. You go to the West Side and you feel like you can breathe here.

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