Businesses that had been dealing with VUCA environments before the pandemic faced new challenges.
Corporate brainstorming. Image courtesy VectorOpen/Wikimedia Commons
While the heroic manager of the future knew everything and could solve all problems, the post-heroic manger asks how to solve each problem in a way that empowers others.
Charles Handy, Irish social and economic philosopher
Chaos and disruption are the norm in the world we live in today. The world is volatile and unpredicted, and everything around it is in constant flux. The current challenges are growing in scope and size. A four-letter acronym called VUCA, which stands for Volatility Uncertainty Complexity and Ambiguity, can summarise them. This term was first used in the late 1980s to refer to the uncertainty in business, but it is equally applicable today. The level of uncertainty has increased dramatically in recent times. The VUCA environment has a negative impact on the world, and corporations in particular.
VUCA and the pandemic
Businesses that had been dealing with VUCA environments before the pandemic faced new challenges. Leaders in business faced unprecedented challenges in navigating the VUCA-rich workplace environment. The pandemic demonstrated that the world is capable of changing irreversibly, making business models as well as strategies obsolete. Leaders must be able to adapt to changing circumstances and pivot. They must be able to adapt to the changing environment and adapt their skills to meet the new demands. The VUCA environment also has many negative effects on employees.
75% of people report feeling more socially isolated after the pandemic. 67% of people report feeling more stressed and 57% are feeling more anxious. 53% say they feel more emotional exhausted. (Qualtrics, SAP 2020). L&D is essential in this environment to be a growth engine for career paths and meaningful business impact.
L&D to lead VUCA
New-age organizations are confronted with many contradictions. Learning and development using an innovative and agile approach to learning and development will help transform these challenges into opportunities.
According to Linkedin’s 2022 Workforce Education Report, L&D specialists were in high demand by 94% in July-September 2021, compared to April June 2021. Many people believe that leadership is more important than ever. Employees become tired of constant change and increased pressure. It is easy to lose faith in the overall vision for the business in this environment.
L&D’s role is, as it has done for a long period, to help leaders develop the right mindset, skills, and toolset to bring out their best. L&D is a valuable tool for employees in problem-solving, leadership, communication, and project management. It can be used at any stage of their careers, regardless if external factors are involved, and it prepares them to deal with VUCA in their role or organisation.
Agile leadership
Businesses in the VUCA age must transform their leadership. Businesses need agile leadership to lead people through the VUCA age. A leader who is agile recognizes a problem or opportunity and responds quickly to it. A leader who can deal with VUCA (Volatility Uncertainty Complexity, Ambiguity), with VUCA is vision, understanding, courage and adaptability. The critical learning programs enable leaders and organisations to address challenges such as efficiency, agility, productivity and accountability. These programs help to reduce uncertainty and allow organisations to adapt to changes and plan accordingly.
Agile organisations: A way to the future
Organisations must be able to quickly respond to the needs and guide people through the VUCA age. Karl Weick, an Organisational Theorist, states that without strong communication and teamwork that brings different perspectives, teams, organisations together, organisations will fail to respond effectively to VUCA. Organisations must devise concrete strategies to adapt to technological advances, keep up with disruptive environments, and prepare for change. Organisations need to change their traditional beliefs in order to embrace change. This is possible with the help learning and development programs that allow them to adapt, learn, and transform.
The author is Chairman and Managing director of BYLD Group. Views are purely personal.
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