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Internship in the Environmental Science and Policy Program
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Internship in the Environmental Science and Policy Program

Internship in the Environmental Science and Policy Program

For the Spring 2022 semester, the Schoolof International and Public Affairs is looking for an intern to help them with their Master of Public Administration (MPA in Environmental Science and Policy) program.

Job Title:Internship in MPAEnvironmental Science & Policy Program

Deadline for applicationsApplications will be considered on a rolling basis. Please submit your application as soon as possible.

Description of the Job:The assistant director of the MPA Environmental Science and Policy is looking for a graduate student intern to assist with the program. The intern will support ESP faculty in classroom instruction, among other tasks. The intern will also assist in the preparation of summer orientation and information sessions and logistics for the programs workshop course. The intern will also be responsible for coordinating and staffing events and meetings. The intern will also support program faculty and staff as required.

Requirements:Columbia University full-time students are required to apply. Students with an interest in sustainability and environmental issues will be preferred.

Skills RequiredThe position requires excellent organizational, interpersonal and written communication skills. The candidate must be able work under pressure, coordinate multiple responsibilities and use independent judgment. The candidate must be proficient with Microsoft Word, Excel, Zoom, and other Microsoft programs. Preferable experience in administrative tasks is required. Candidates must be highly motivated and detail-oriented. While a strong interest is encouraged, it is not necessary. This is a social role that allows for regular interaction with the ESP classes, which can help to expand your Columbia network.

Hours & Compensation:$18/hour. Candidates must be able to work 35 hour weeks, starting as soon possible, with the possibility of continuing during the fall semester.

To apply, please email a resume and cover letter to Maya Lugo at [email protected].

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