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It mocks our inaction: Don’t Look Up, an allegory for the climate crisis, is praised by activists. Climate crisis| Climate crisis
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It mocks our inaction: Don’t Look Up, an allegory for the climate crisis, is praised by activists. Climate crisis| Climate crisis

Netflix has acquired Dont Look Up, the latest celluloid offering by Adam McKay (writer-director). The top film worldwideDespite the fact that it divides critics as well as viewers.

The film is a satire in the which Leonardo DiCaprio (played by Jennifer Lawrence) and Jennifer Lawrence (played by scientists) attempt to warn the world about a comingt that threatens to destroy our planet. IntentionThe climate crisis as an allegory

Despite a stellar cast including Meryl Streep (Cate Blanchett), Mark Rylance and Jonah Hill, the movie received a frosty review from many film critics, even this masthead.

The film’s critical reception was not favorable, but it contrasts strongly with the response from climate scientists and activists to the film’s allegorical heroes.

Greenpeace Asia Pacific chief executive David Ritter says he was struck at the sense of despair portrayed in the films by scientists. He finds the parallel with climate crisis very powerful.

Ritter said that there are hundreds of thousands of scientists, activists, and campaigners around the globe who dedicate their lives to this work. The sheer number people who have asked Ritter what is wrong with our political leaders and why they don’t understand it.

Professor Matthew England, cofounder of the University of New South Wales’ Climate Change Research Centre, said that Dont Look Up was a great film.

It is a hilarious parody of our inaction to address climate change, especially in relation conservative government, England says.

It was a great film. I also loved it. However, the mainstream media may be feeling defensive as it is part the film’s attack.

Daniel Bleakley, a Melbourne-based climate activist, said he agreed and hoped that the film would draw attention towards media coverage of the climate crisis.

We need to communicate the urgency and seriousness of the climate crisis to the public through our media.

After films are released, climate activists feel heard

Bleakley stated that the film reflected a feeling among climate activists that their messages were not being heard for many years.

I’ve heard from many activists that they felt heard after watching the movie.

Climate scientists and activists who understand the gravity of the climate crisis are able to see the daily lives of people as normal.

Ritter is not in agreement with the criticism of the film lacks nuance. He questions why someone would say it was so heavy-handed.

They were referring to the subtle way in which institutional corruption can be caused by vested interests? Are they referring to the threat of unconstrained technooptimistic capitalism

It was striking to see the juxtaposition of scenes of drama and chaos with the interactions of characters in a more reflective, quiet mode. This is how I experience the world as it is dealing with the climate crisis.

Ritter said, “Don’t listen to the reviews.” You can watch the film and make your own decision.

The Guardians critics described the film as a labored, self-conscious, and unrelaxed comedy. They also said that it came from a position that was superior to all others and would drive away any partisans that still need to be won over.

Dont Look Up currently holds a rating of 55% at Rotten Tomatoes, with an audience score (77%).

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