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Jason Nixon has spoken out about Feedlot, near Pigeon Lake
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Jason Nixon has spoken out about Feedlot, near Pigeon Lake

Alberta’s environment minister stated that there was public input regarding a plan to build cattle feedlots near a popular recreation lake southwest of Edmonton.

An Opposition politician claimed earlier this week that the proposal to build a 4,000-heard livestock farm near Pigeon Lake wasn’t given enough time for thousands of people to fully understand its potential effects and express their concerns.

Minister Jason Nixon responded to Marlin Schmidt, New Democrat environment critic, by writing that the public notice was published on the Pipestone Flyer, a small rural weekly that covers the area.

He claims that the Natural Resources Conservation Board posted the notice on their website as well.

G&S Cattle Ltd. submitted a request to the board to construct the feedlot approximately four kilometres west the lake.

Nixon states that the Agricultural Operation Practices Act outlines requirements for public notice of such applications. This includes the notice period, who is notified, and who is notified based upon the size of the feedlot.

He wrote, “The county provides the addresses and names of landowners/residents in the notification radius, which is used by the NRCB to send its courtesy mails.” “Public notice” requires notification of municipalities and may include other agencies that might have a regulatory or other interest.

He stated that the application had been shared with Alberta Health Services, which is the water licensing branch within his department, as well as the two nearby counties of Leduc and Wetaskiwin. Nixon states that Wetaskiwin County extended its response to him until April 21.

Nixon added that the Montana First Nation, Ermineskin Cree Nation, and Samson Cree Nation had all responded by the April 7 deadline.

This report was published by The Canadian Press May 5, 2022. 

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