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John Imes: A healthy economy and an improved environment are prerequisites for a functioning democracy
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John Imes: A healthy economy and an improved environment are prerequisites for a functioning democracy

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The column below represents the views of the author. does not endorse or support these opinions.

Autocratic forces are threatening Wisconsin’s democracy. Their victory will spell doom to a more sustainable economy, and the environment.

The continued assault on hyper-partisan redistricting and restrictions on voting, conspiracist legal actions, and baseless claims that election fraud are all threatening the country. If these efforts are successful, they will lead to one-party rule which ignores the will the people and undermines local businesses. Even the successes in clean energy jobs, environmental protection, will be reversed.

Small business owners realize that a vibrant democracy is crucial for a strong economy. Both go hand in hand. One-party rule will see the political well-connected and business-as-usual controlling the agenda.

We need to strengthen Wisconsin’s democracy, and not weaken it, in order to maintain a healthy economy. A national poll of small-business owners found 74% support.

Small and large businesses are taking bold steps in order to be a part of the solution.

American Sustainable Business Network (ASBN), is a network of businesses and stakeholders committed to democracy. We need strong leadership to reject any political messaging intended to undermine our democratic process. ASBN strongly supports businesses that offer flexible options to their employees, such as time to vote. It also advocates for increased voter turnout, including early voting, mail-in ballots and extended voting hours. This will increase participation in democracy and help our economy.

Wisconsin Business Leaders for Democracy sent letters to support the Wisconsin Election Commission administrator, staff, and more than 1,800 municipal clerks across the state. The letters expressed gratitude and support for them ahead of the 2022 election. The signatories are Milwaukee-based business leaders. They came after election officials across the country were threatened with violence and harassment following 2020 elections. David Lubar is President & CEO at Lubar & Co. The bottom line is that strong democratic processes in Wisconsin as well as nationwide underpin our economic success. A functioning democracy is essential for a business environment to thrive. We all agreed to this effort because it was ultimately the best thing for our country.

Democracy Found, another Wisconsin-based group, advocates for ranked choice voting. This system would allow more candidates to be considered and provide more diverse viewpoints throughout the November runoff election.

You don’t have to be part of these groups in order to stop un-democratic forces removing free and fair election results.

Candidates from across the state are currently circulating nomination papers in order to be on the ballot. Every voter who supports democracy must ask each candidate simple questions. Here’s an example:

Do you support nonpartisan electoral administration as a fundamental pillar in our democracy?

Do you support full voting access by mail and secure drop boxes?

Do you support efforts that protect election officials, as well as ordinary citizens, from intimidation and threats?

These questions and many others can be asked at candidate forums. Political Action Committees need to demand that candidates for campaign contributions do not take actions that would harm our democracy.

While we are at it, should we not require additional disclosures regarding campaign fundraising or disclaimers about political advertising that is designed to misinform or instill distrust in our democratic process?

Each person has a part to play in ensuring free and fair elections. Anti-democracy efforts to weaken voting rights will only lead towards a more partisan and autocratic one party rule that favors special interest at the expense local businesses, workers, communities, and the environment.

Please vote to expand voting rights in Wisconsin for the betterment of our democracy and a more sustainable economy.

– John Imes is a former small-business owner, co-founder of the Wisconsin Environmental Initiative, and a member of the ASBN Business for Democracy Working Group.

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