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Kansas Department of Health and Environment has new COVID-19 recommendations. KSNF/KODE| KSNF/KODE
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Kansas Department of Health and Environment has new COVID-19 recommendations. KSNF/KODE| KSNF/KODE

Kansas Department of Health and Environment announces new COVID-19 recommendations | KSNF/KODE

SOUTHEAST KANSAS — The Kansas Department of Health and Environment is announcing new guidelines related to COVID-19.

They recommend that anyone with a confirmed case or COVID-19 should remain home for five days, regardless of whether they have been vaccinated.

KDHE advises that asymptomatic persons can leave the house, but they should continue to wear a mask around other people for five days.

If you come into close contact with someone who has COVID-19, the department says you do not need to stay home if you are boosted or have received the second dose of the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the past six months — or the Johnson & Johnson vaccine within the past two months.

However, for a minimum of 10 days, you should wear a mask around other people.

For those who are unvaccinated, have not received a booster or got their second dose of Pfizer or Moderna over six months ago — or Johnathan & Johnson over two months ago — the department recommends staying home for five days and then wearing a mask around others for five more days.

Healthcare workers in a hospital setting may have different recommendations.

KDHE recommends they isolate for 10 days if they test positive for COVID-19 — or seven days with a negative test.

If a healthcare worker comes into contact with someone who is infected, the department says they should quarantine for 10 days if they are unvaccinated or not boosted — but can return to work with a negative test on days two and 5-7.

Click here to find out more Here.

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