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Keep your lawn green without making the environment dirty
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Keep your lawn green without making the environment dirty

Although winter has been unpredictable this year, it is finally starting to look like things are moving towards the “thawed-and-blooming” stage. It’s time to renew your garage, your garden, or your lawn care routines.

It’s ironic that most lawn care practices are harmful for the environment. Because they lack the emission controls found in automotive engines, small engines such as those found in lawnmowers, leaf blowers and trimmers can be more polluting that a car.

Things get worse if you fertilize your lawn. Florida’s hot summer months are the worst time to fertilize your lawn. This is due to the toxic chemicals in fertilizer water runoff and algal blooms.

There are many greener options that are not only better than traditional lawn care tools or fertilizers but they also offer many other benefits. As lawn care season approaches, here’s what I have in my garage.

EGO has the power

If there is one thing that keeps my teeth on edge it’s the whine of small-stroke engine. It’s hard to imagine being awakened at dawn by someone trying to start a weed wacker.

I switched to all battery-powered tools a long time ago. They still make a loud sound, but not like the high-pitched screams of gas engines. However, I found that battery-powered tools were very expensive to maintain. The battery packs would last for one season, and then I was stuck paying twice as much to maintain them.

That is until I discovered EGO Power+.

Three years ago, I still have the same capacity batteries that came with my new tools. EGO Power+’s battery capacities all share the same design, which allows you to use one battery with every product. The company continues to innovate year after year, surpassing the gas counterparts in terms of feature set.

Take, for example, the new 16″ LineIQ String Trimmer. It begins with a carbon-fiber shaft. It’s extremely durable and lightweight, with an adjustable handle, and telescoping shaft. Powerload technology is included in the trimmer. Instead winding the spool every time you run low, you just feed the line into it and press a button. The trigger has been redesigned to include the lock.

Line IQ is the real star of this model. The problem I have with trimmers is always figuring out how much line I have. I keep stopping to check if there is enough line, then I search for the best spot to bump the trimmer’s head. Line IQ makes this a routine that is now a thing of the past. The trimmer now uses onboard sensors that automatically feed line to maintain a consistent 16-inch cutting area. No more bumping! It might mean that I’ll run out a bit faster, but with Powerload it’s not a big deal (there is one refill in the box which is nice).

The Another new yard tool for this year is the Blower 765 CFM. CFM is “Cubic Feet Per Minute”, and as you might have guessed, 765 is a lot for a blower. This handheld blower is the only one that can blow at 200 MPH. The only other 765 CFM blowers that I could find were gas-powered backpacks blowers. These are the ones you see professionals using with ear protection.

The 765 CFM blower has a new air speed knob under your thumb. This allows you to lock in the airspeed without having to hold down the trigger. The turbo button can give you an extra boost whenever you need it.

When you’re ready and able to cool down, grab the 18″ Misting Fan. This box fan is the latest addition to the company’s “Lifestyle”, category. It features a telescoping handle and misting function. The attached line can be dropped into a bucket of water to create a cooling spray that covers 540 sq. ft. It can run for 60 hours on a rechargeable 5.0Ah battery. You can bring it from the garage to the patio, and enjoy the fresh-mown lawn.

All this tech runs on EGO Power+ Lithium batteries. They can be used with any other tool made by the company, including their riding mower. These are the best I’ve ever used. The indicator on each one shows the battery’s current state. They also retain charge for an incredible amount of time. After a year, my batteries still held enough power to trim my whole yard. As smart as the company may be regarding yard tool features, their battery game is what keeps me coming back.

Sunday, Green Sunday

You won’t be forced to maintain a healthy lawn if you don’t have one. AnythingWith it. I will admit that I am still a novice at fertilizing and feeding lawns after so many years. I used to occasionally grab a bag full of fertilizer at beginning of the growing season and sprinkle it on. Later, I would wonder why everything was browning in winter.

What happened to change this? I found Sunday. Sunday is an all natural, custom-tailored fertilizer you can spray on your lawn every few weeks. It has all-natural micronutrients as well as a custom blend of minerals to ensure your lawn stays healthy.

Sunday uses food-grade ingredients and naturally-derived nutrients in order to give your lawn what it needs most. It is customized by a regional analysis of your soil which Sunday bases on their vast soil database (the most extensive in the U.S.). Then, it’s customized further by a personal soil sample you send in.

It is the soil sample that makes the difference. Sunday sent me a pouch with fertilizer with more potassium to replenish my lawn’s potassium levels.

I connect the sprayer to my hose and walk around for 15 minutes. I don’t have any need to worry about keeping my lawn mowed after I’ve done the job.

Sunday then sends me a box every few months that contains what I need to prepare my grass for the coming season. It can be high-heat summer or low-moisture fall. I only need one more spray to lock in nutrients before my lawn goes dormant for Florida’s (exceedingly short) winter. Then it’s over until spring.

I cannot argue with the results. After three seasons of Sunday use on my lawn, there is a clear line between mine and my neighbor’s. Their lawn is sparsely green and yellow every spring, while mine is green and growing. The only difference is that I treat their lawn.

Sunday doesn’t end with lawn treatment. There are many natural weed control, fertilizer, and pest control products that can be used to maintain a harmonious outdoor area. Their website is full of valuable information. You can improve your lawn care skills by visiting their site. Their website is a great starting point..

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