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KMG Creations sponsoring Sanitation/Environment Service Day
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KMG Creations sponsoring Sanitation/Environment Service Day

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – A Starkville business is making sure that some of the community’s most important workers aren’t overlooked.

For the last 4 years, KMG Creations has sponsored Sanitation/Environment Service Day to spotlight the role that sanitation workers play in keeping their communities clean and healthy.

KMG chose this week to tie in with the celebration of Martin Luther King’s legacy.

Dr. King was in Memphis supporting striking sanitation workers when he died in April 1968.

“It is important to pay homage to people that are in our community that is part of Dr. Martin Luther King’s legacy and say ‘thank you,’ because they are out at all times of night and conditions, and we are appreciative of those that serve our community that works so dearly and hard,” said Kayla Gilmore, KMG Creations.

KMG along with McAllister’s, Moe’s Barbeque, McDonald’s, and Jon and Lee Ann Turner treated Starkville Sanitation Department crews to snacks and goodie bags.

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