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Kunal Jaisingh: Healthy environment should be a human rights
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Kunal Jaisingh: Healthy environment should be a human rights

Kunal Jaisingh, an actor who appeared in the TV show Kyun Utthe Dil Chhhod Aaye previously, believes that good health is possible when there is a healthy environment. It is a fundamental human right.

He said, “A clean environment can make a difference in our health and well-being.” The environment has a direct impact on our health and well-being. A healthy environment provides basic needs such as clean air and water, fertile soil for food production, energy and material inputs. However, the environment can also be a pathway for humans to be exposed to pollutants, noise and hazardous chemicals. It is high time that we all work together to protect our environment and ensure a healthy lifestyle. A healthy environment can be a gift to good health. This is our human right.”

Kunal, who is known for playing the role of the protagonist in shows like “Ishqbaaz” and “Pavitra Bhagya”, sees this day as an opportunity spread awareness about overall health and well-being.

He says, “I believe it is very important to raise awareness about ongoing health issues that affect people across the globe.” This day is also an opportunity for people to be more aware of their overall health and well-being. In the last two years, the pandemic has caused a lot of damage for us all. We all have had to learn from the past and it is now that we need to be more concerned about our environment and how we can prevent future disasters. Although I’m happy that we are now recovering, there should still be a concern.

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