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Larimer County environmental champions – Loveland Reporter-Herald
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Larimer County environmental champions – Loveland Reporter-Herald

Awards express county’s commitment to the environment

I believe we share common values. One of these shared values is environmental sustainability. This involves protecting and conserving our environment and natural resources so that we can have clean air, water and land for the future.

The Larimer County Commissioners and Environmental and Science Advisory Boards (ESAB) are looking for nominations for the 2022 Environmental Stewardship Award. March 27th is the deadline for nominations. Visit to nominate an individual or organization. can also nominate projects and activities yourself.

The Larimer County Environmental Stewardship Awards was established in 1995. These awards are an expression our county’s commitment towards the environment and our community. The awards honor and recognize individuals or organizations that show creative, proactive efforts to preserve the environment and sustain sustainability.

The ESAB reviews nominations and makes recommendations that are passed to the Board of County Commissioners. The winners are honored at an event open to the public.

Last year, we recognized Rocky Mountain Raptor Program (RMRP), whose mission it is to promote the appreciation and protection of raptors (birds-of-prey eagles hawks falcons, owls, hawks and falcons) and their habitats. The RMRP annually provides educational programs for more than 15,000 schoolchildren. We also recognized Horse and Dragon Brewery, who donated their expired beer to farms and gardens to improve composting. One Times Everyone, a local non-profit that focuses on climate change, was awarded the third award. They operate a giving circle model donation program that multiplies other donations each months to support environmental organizations.

The ESAB is among 37 advisory boards and commissions that have more than 300 members. They provide valuable public service to the community by providing input and ideas to assist the Board of County Commissioners in making informed policy decisions. Previous environmental stewardship awardees are listed at Consider nominating an environmental champion.

John Kefalas

Larimer County Commissioner

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