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Lent and climate crisis
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Lent and climate crisis

Lent and the climate crisis


Whether it’s a big part of your church tradition or not, the season of Lent gives us an opportunity to reflect and consider how we can follow Jesus more closely. What would it look like to walk in step with Christ in responding to the injustice of climate change?

The climate crisis affects all of us but it’s people in poverty who are suffering first and worst. Governments and businesses have a large part to play in tackling climate change – but we can all use our everyday actions to love our neighbours and build a better, fairer world.

You can explore new plant-based, seasonal and local food options during Lent. Reduce your meat intake and purchase local, responsibly farmed produce to make a less carbon-intensive lifestyle.

Our carbon footprint can be greatly affected by what we buy and produce together. You could challenge yourself to only buy second-hand, such as in charity shops or secondhand marketplaces. You might even consider going one step further and not buying any new clothes or household goods this Lent.

As many of us continue to spend more time at home than usual, it’s a good opportunity to think about where our energy comes from. Switching to a renewable energy tariff and considering other ways to save energy at home, can reduce our carbon emissions and, in some cases, save us money too. 

Although it may not seem like it, learning more about climate change can be a powerful way for you to take action on climate change. This Lent, why not dive into some resources around the climate crisis, creation care, or justice?

See Also

For more ideas go to Living Lent https://livinglent.orgZdzisiu Hendzel

Methodist Minister Wellington



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