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Let’s have your say about the future of Wales’ natural environment
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Let’s have your say about the future of Wales’ natural environment

Today’s launch of an initiative gives the people the opportunity to have a say in the future of Wales’ natural environment.

The Natural Resources Wales initiative, Nature and Us (NRW), aims to get people from across Wales involved in how we address climate and natural emergencies.

The initiative was launched today (17 Feb) and follows the global talks at COP26, Wales Climate Week in November. It will then launch a 10-week-long national conversation.

The Welsh Government and NRW have partnered to examine the changes occurring in the environment and the role that individuals and businesses can play in getting it back on track.

Nature and Us will explore what actions must be taken now to protect the natural environment for future generations. This includes examining key areas such as how our energy, transport and food systems work today and whether they can be adapted.

Businesses and public sector organisations can get involved. They can inform their employees, members, and customers about the campaign, and even organize their own Nature and Us events.

Richard Parks, Nature and Us ambassador, stated: “We know that all people in Wales, from individuals to businesses to governments, have a responsibility to protect our natural environment. But not everyone feels empowered. This campaign is designed to ensure that all people, regardless their age, race, gender, and/or gender, can collectively decide the changes they need to make.

“I am committed to having my voice heard and encourage all Welsh citizens to do the same.

Clare Pillman (chief executive of NRW) said that Nature and Us is about people from Wales coming together in a common effort to protect the natural environment. We must act now to address the climate and natural emergencies, but we also want a vision of our future.

A future everyone feels is fair, achievable, and possible in Wales

This can only be done by listening to as many voices as possible across society.

The next step in the initiative will be to play back some of the messages, findings, and voices NRW hear during a series engagement events that took place over the spring/summer.

They will also be talking to stakeholders and the general public about what they want to see happen next.

Register for online events and take a survey to learn more about climate emergencies.

You can also find tools that will help you support your school and community groups to have their own conversations and share the results in more creative ways.

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